My husband comes home from work and tells me that he has to take a trip. There is a plane in Germany that is broke. He is part of a crew being sent to bring the plane home. There is no guarantee that he will be home on schedule, if the plane has been fixed, or if not, when it will be. Everything depends on God.
Nothing about my husband's job makes sense to me. I think about all the things in this life that don't make sense to me. Why do things happen the way that they do? Then God reminds me that He is with me in it all. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Some things I may never understand the reasons for. But I can know that God is using them for His glory.
Sometimes things seem senseless, purposeless. But God is never senseless. Everything He allows in our lives has a purpose. He wastes nothing, not our joys, not our sorrows, not our mistakes. Chris Sligh sings a song called "Something Beautiful". In it he says "There is something beautiful in all I can't see through". If we think negatively about our circumstances, we miss the beauty of what God is doing. We need to trust that God is doing something beautiful, even when we can't see it. Then we can rejoice because no matter what is happening God will be glorified. Our hope is in Him.
God's word says, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". 2 Corinthians 4:18
Where are your eyes fixed today?
Kim Ratcliffe
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Upcoming Events
Friday, April 3 Scrapbook Night (or any type of craft/stamping/etc) Meet in rm 109 at 6pm to whenever. Bring $5 for pizza and a snack to share with everyone.
Tuesday, April 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You can choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Saturday, April 11 Easter Egg Hunt-Come join us at Bethel Assembly of God at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary for a time of muscic, short story, and fun. Dress warm, bring a flashlight, and a basket for the nighttime egg hunt for children ages 12 and under.
Friday, April 17 Pajama & Movie Night- Tender Touch Ministries at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV Event. Meet in the gym at 6 pm. Childcare will be provided.
Tuesday, April 28 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. Grace Mueller from Babymoon Doulas will be our guest speaker during our opening. Then we will join our care circles for discussion.
Tuesday, April 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You can choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Saturday, April 11 Easter Egg Hunt-Come join us at Bethel Assembly of God at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary for a time of muscic, short story, and fun. Dress warm, bring a flashlight, and a basket for the nighttime egg hunt for children ages 12 and under.
Friday, April 17 Pajama & Movie Night- Tender Touch Ministries at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV Event. Meet in the gym at 6 pm. Childcare will be provided.
Tuesday, April 28 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. Grace Mueller from Babymoon Doulas will be our guest speaker during our opening. Then we will join our care circles for discussion.
We are all beautiful in God's sight
Today, I saw a commercial that reminded me of a boy I knew while I was attending a private school during my grammar school years. The commercial contains a boy who is quite overweight and steps on a drink pouch and vaporizes. The commercial boy reminded me of the boy in school I knew not only because of his size but because the likeness in his facial features which were quite uncanny.
The boy I knew in school was overweight and smelled but had a heart of gold. He only wanted for someone to love him--sadly love was not to come from his peers. Nine year old boys and girls can be awfully mean. Most of the children in our class made fun of him and not just behind his back. He took most of the teasing in stride even though you could see the hurt on his face.
When we would play tag during recess, he would always volunteer to be "it". He would chase everyone around saying ,"Huggy, I want a huggy!" Even though, we were playing, you could see that all he really wanted was maybe a hug and definitely a little acceptance.
Finally, the school administrator was told of the situation and was extremely displeased. He pulled the boy out of class, gave him a basketball and told him to go play ball in the gymnasium and then he turned his attention to the class. I remember him telling the entire class that what we were doing was completely un-Christlike and that he was ashamed of all of us. He went on to chastise us saying that if he heard so much as a negative peep from any of us that he would expel each and every one of us.
Needless to say, the boy's school life improved from then on and he started receiving "huggys". In this I also realized how wrong I had been to sit around and do nothing before. By doing nothing, I was hurting him more then if I had joined in on the teasing. You see, I had previously come from a school where the children had teased me mercilessly and I didn't want to be made fun of through association.
Today, I am reminded of 1 Samuel 16:7 which says, "...the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." How great is it, that no matter if we are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny or just plain ugly to our peers, we are beautiful in God's sight!
Tina Burton
The boy I knew in school was overweight and smelled but had a heart of gold. He only wanted for someone to love him--sadly love was not to come from his peers. Nine year old boys and girls can be awfully mean. Most of the children in our class made fun of him and not just behind his back. He took most of the teasing in stride even though you could see the hurt on his face.
When we would play tag during recess, he would always volunteer to be "it". He would chase everyone around saying ,"Huggy, I want a huggy!" Even though, we were playing, you could see that all he really wanted was maybe a hug and definitely a little acceptance.
Finally, the school administrator was told of the situation and was extremely displeased. He pulled the boy out of class, gave him a basketball and told him to go play ball in the gymnasium and then he turned his attention to the class. I remember him telling the entire class that what we were doing was completely un-Christlike and that he was ashamed of all of us. He went on to chastise us saying that if he heard so much as a negative peep from any of us that he would expel each and every one of us.
Needless to say, the boy's school life improved from then on and he started receiving "huggys". In this I also realized how wrong I had been to sit around and do nothing before. By doing nothing, I was hurting him more then if I had joined in on the teasing. You see, I had previously come from a school where the children had teased me mercilessly and I didn't want to be made fun of through association.
Today, I am reminded of 1 Samuel 16:7 which says, "...the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." How great is it, that no matter if we are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny or just plain ugly to our peers, we are beautiful in God's sight!
Tina Burton
Monday, March 30, 2009
You are Mine
My husband and I had the opportunity to take our children to Walt Disney World at the end of last year. At every park my children wanted to take off running to see all they could see. Repeatedly I chased after them saying "get back here". With all the amazing sights, the characters, and rides I could hardly blame them. However I still reminded them at every park to stay with us because I didn't want to loose them. You see, their mine and my husband's! They would not find another set of parents in that entire park. We're it!
When I was praying this past week about what I should write about this morning, God repeatedly spoke to me, "tell them they are mine". God confirmed it to me when I opened my Bible to Isaiah 43.
"But now, this is what the Lord says- he who created you,... he who formed
you... 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name;
you are mine...'" Isaiah 43:1
There is so much going on in our lives-the phone is ringing, dinner is cooking, the baby is crying, and our minds are racing about finances, loved ones, illnesses. We get distracted with the cares of this world. Just like our children we take off running, if only for a while, forgetting who we belong to. Let me remind you today, dear sisters, who we are in Christ. We are "children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of
God." John 1:13 We are children of God, His daughters!
"When you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior" Isaiah 43:2-3
Many of you are passing through some storms in your life right now. But you are not alone. God is right there telling you- "you are mine"! We can turn to Him in every crises, hurt, or care in this world and say "Abba, Father". Wow! Get a hold of this truth. How much do your children mean to you? Mulitiply it a thousand times to get a taste of God's love for you!
"... you are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you" Isaiah 43:4
When I was praying this past week about what I should write about this morning, God repeatedly spoke to me, "tell them they are mine". God confirmed it to me when I opened my Bible to Isaiah 43.
"But now, this is what the Lord says- he who created you,... he who formed
you... 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name;
you are mine...'" Isaiah 43:1
There is so much going on in our lives-the phone is ringing, dinner is cooking, the baby is crying, and our minds are racing about finances, loved ones, illnesses. We get distracted with the cares of this world. Just like our children we take off running, if only for a while, forgetting who we belong to. Let me remind you today, dear sisters, who we are in Christ. We are "children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of
God." John 1:13 We are children of God, His daughters!
"When you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior" Isaiah 43:2-3
Many of you are passing through some storms in your life right now. But you are not alone. God is right there telling you- "you are mine"! We can turn to Him in every crises, hurt, or care in this world and say "Abba, Father". Wow! Get a hold of this truth. How much do your children mean to you? Mulitiply it a thousand times to get a taste of God's love for you!
"... you are precious and honored in my sight, and I love you" Isaiah 43:4
Friday, March 27, 2009
Brownie Cups
I made these for my son yesterday because he hasn't been feeling well this week. They are his favorites. When I volunteer to bring something yummy to his classroom at school, I bring these instead of cupcakes. Everyone loves them. I can't take credit for them, Janine DiGiovanni shared the recipe with me. Thanks, Janine! If you get a sweet tooth this weekend, try whipping up some brownie cups!
Brownie Cups Recipe
Ingredients: Any brownie mix
8 oz. Cream Cheese
1/2 cup butter
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. milk (if needed)
1. Prepare the brownie mix according to the package and spoon into a greased mini-muffin pan.
2. Bake brownies until done at 350 degrees. Use a pastry tool or spoon to flatten the brownies center forming them into pastry shells or cups.
3. Make the icing or use packaged cream cheese frosting. Place a bit inside of cups using spoon or Pampered Chef easy accent decorator.
Cream Cheese Icing
1. Soften and then beat cream cheese and butter until smooth.
2. Gradually add in the powdered sugar and vanilla. For smoother consistency add milk.
3. Beat until creamy.
Have a great weekend!
Brownie Cups Recipe
Ingredients: Any brownie mix
8 oz. Cream Cheese
1/2 cup butter
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. milk (if needed)
1. Prepare the brownie mix according to the package and spoon into a greased mini-muffin pan.
2. Bake brownies until done at 350 degrees. Use a pastry tool or spoon to flatten the brownies center forming them into pastry shells or cups.
3. Make the icing or use packaged cream cheese frosting. Place a bit inside of cups using spoon or Pampered Chef easy accent decorator.
Cream Cheese Icing
1. Soften and then beat cream cheese and butter until smooth.
2. Gradually add in the powdered sugar and vanilla. For smoother consistency add milk.
3. Beat until creamy.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Angel in a Tree

Well ladies, my thought for Thursday came on Monday. My fluffy white cat, Angel, ran up a tree Monday evening after she was being chased by a dog. I mean she ran way, way, way up the tree. After we realized she would need help getting down, my husband propped a 17 foot ladder against the tree, and climbed up while I "held" it steady. (I really have no way of holding a ladder steady with a 160 pound man on it, but he thinks I do, so I look like I’m contributing anyway). Shawn was finally able to get his hands around the cat and gently try to pull her down. However, the cat DID NOT LET GO of the tree. Her claws were gripped around that tree and holding on for dear life. It didn’t matter how much Shawn tugged, pulled and compelled her to let go —she was gripped. She even made it more challenging when she became more fearful and climbed farther up the tree. Shawn was already standing on his tiptoes and couldn’t reach any further to her new place of "refuge." We finally had to walk away for a while and try to think of plan B. I told my daughter we had to pray that God would help our cat out of her "predicament."
I’m actually not turning this into a story about the power of prayer. Instead, I would like to invoke the thought that we are much like my cat with our claws imbedded in our own self will. In difficult circumstances or unclear situations, we try in our own might to save ourselves. All the while, God is trying to coax us away from our misery, with His hands outstretched, ready to carry us to comfort. But many of us cling on for dear life—to our own life—instead of letting go and trusting the guidance of our Father’s hand. In this particular season of my life, I’m reminded of the scripture daily in Mark 8:35: "for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it."
Being the controlling natured person that I am, I’m learning to let go of my own disappointments and plans of how I think things should work out. I’m also learning, that when God eventually brings to light His plan or purpose to my situation, I’m left saying, "God you are so much smarter than I am." There are still instances though where I’m waiting for understanding. However, I’d much rather wait in the presence of God than alone isolated gripping to fear and doubt. If my cat wouldn’t have finally let go and come down that tree, she could have possibly weakened and fallen out. It would have been dark, cold and she could have been severely injured. If we live this life clutching on to our own feelings and worries during difficult times, we will be away from God, in the dark, and weak from the exhaustion of trying to do it all by ourselves. He has better plans for us than to be "stuck" in a season of doubt and disappointment. It just takes us to "let go" and put our trust in God.
Without hesitation in saying it, I believe His plan is much better. So, on this Thursday, think about your own desires, goals and state of mind. Are you the cat whose claws are embedded in the tree, as well as climbing farther away from God? Or are you the cat who’s resting safely in his Father’s arms, willing to accept His grace and will for your life?
Deneil Busey
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What's Up Wednesday!
Our upcoming events for March and April are as follows:
Tuesday, March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
Friday, April 3 Scrapbook Night (or any type of craft/stamping/etc) Meet in rm 109 at 6pm to whenever. Bring $5 for pizza and a snack to share with everyone.
Tuesday, April 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You can choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Friday, April 17 Pajama & Movie Night- Tender Touch Ministries at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV Event. Meet in the gym at 6 pm.
Tuesday, April 28 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. Grace Mueller from Babymoon Doulas will be our guest speaker during our opening. Then we will join our care circles for discussion.
Tuesday, March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
Friday, April 3 Scrapbook Night (or any type of craft/stamping/etc) Meet in rm 109 at 6pm to whenever. Bring $5 for pizza and a snack to share with everyone.
Tuesday, April 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You can choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Friday, April 17 Pajama & Movie Night- Tender Touch Ministries at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV Event. Meet in the gym at 6 pm.
Tuesday, April 28 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meeting. Grace Mueller from Babymoon Doulas will be our guest speaker during our opening. Then we will join our care circles for discussion.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Getting to Know.....Kim Ratcliffe

Every month we will feature one of the mom's from Mom Connection. For this month I have chosen our Assistant Director/Care Circle Coordinator, Kim Ratcliffe. I have had the privilege to get to know this mom in our Contagious Christian care circle. It's been an absolute joy. She is a great wife, mother, friend and confidante and I feel extremely blessed to know such a woman.
Her favorite activities to do when she gets some free time is to spend time with her family, read and make cards. She likes a lot of different singers but lately she has been listening to Chris Sligh. She loves to watch romantic comedies, musicals, and older films such as "The Sound of Music", "While You Were Sleeping and "It's A Wonderful Life" to name a few. Some of her favorite actors include Harrison Ford and Jimmy Stewert.
She has been married for 10 years to her husband, Dan. They met at Office Max when they were both working there. She has two children, Heather,9, and Thomas,4. Some of her favorite things to do with her children are crafts, go to the park, and take family outings.
A relationship with our Lord means everything to her. He is her teacher, comforter, friend and helper. I couldn't agree more and she put it in the most beautiful way I have ever heard it spoken ( or in this case typed ) when she said, "He is my heavenly Father and treats me with fatherly love and [a] patience that no one else on earth could." Because of this relationship, she chose to lead the Contagious Christian care circle so that she might learn to better share her faith with others.
Kim said her biggest inspiration is the Apostle Paul because "He faced many challenges and obstacles, and he stayed humble and remembered where God had brought him from. He was passionate for God and wanted to share his faith with others no matter what it cost him. I want to be more like that. I am also inspired by my friends. Their different personalities and talents inspire me to have a different view and response to things sometimes."
Kim's favorite thing about Mom Connection is ,"the people and how we can come together and are real with one another and share our concerns. We pray for one another, support one another, and learn from one another."
I can honestly say that I have never met a more down-to-earth group of ladies. There is no pretext and no masks when it comes to Mom's Connection and from that first meeting that I attended I have never felt more at was almost like sitting amongst family and Kim was part of the reason that now I am hooked.
Tina Burton
Hospitality Coordinator
Monday, March 23, 2009
Our Strengths and Our Weaknesses
After maintaining this blog for two weeks, I hope to continue to challenge myself with this weekly posting on Mondays. I want to draw closer to God depending on Him to speak through me and use my life to bless others. That's not just what God wants to do in me but in all of us. We are all made up of different strengths and weaknesses that God wants to use.
Our strengths can be natural born gifts or talents from God. Years ago I took a gift test and it said I was a leader. I wondered, "what is that supposed to mean, a leader of what?" I didn't know God was going to call me to lead this group. God called me a leader when I saw myself as only bossy. Some people are natural born caregivers. They are able to take care of the sick or elderly with loving hearts. That's a gift I admire. Still others exude great patience. The list goes on and on. Think about what your strengths are and how you could be using them for God.
Our weakness can be what doesn't come naturally or may be what we completely lack. My mother always dreamed of being a nurse. She spoke of it often while I was growing up. She wanted one of her three girls to become a nurse. However I learned early that I didn't have that in me. I didn't seem to really have a heart of love for people. This was one of my weaknesses. I told myself that it is just the way I am. But through my relationship with Christ, I was given a new heart. When love bubbles up out of my spirit for others, I am reminded of Christ living in me. What are the areas you struggle the most? God will challenge you in those areas, as He does me, in order to make us grow stronger.
"Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..." Phillipians 1:6
Don't wish you were more like someone else or berate yourself over your weaknesses. God wants to make changes in all of us for the better. Allow God to make your strengths shine brightly for Him. Then allow Him to turn your weaknesses into a new strength . That is the power of God in your life! He gets all the glory, praise, and honor. When God makes these changes, I challenge you to use this blog to share it with others. Maybe it will be a testimony, a revelation from His Word, or the development of the fruits of the spirit in your life.
Our strengths can be natural born gifts or talents from God. Years ago I took a gift test and it said I was a leader. I wondered, "what is that supposed to mean, a leader of what?" I didn't know God was going to call me to lead this group. God called me a leader when I saw myself as only bossy. Some people are natural born caregivers. They are able to take care of the sick or elderly with loving hearts. That's a gift I admire. Still others exude great patience. The list goes on and on. Think about what your strengths are and how you could be using them for God.
Our weakness can be what doesn't come naturally or may be what we completely lack. My mother always dreamed of being a nurse. She spoke of it often while I was growing up. She wanted one of her three girls to become a nurse. However I learned early that I didn't have that in me. I didn't seem to really have a heart of love for people. This was one of my weaknesses. I told myself that it is just the way I am. But through my relationship with Christ, I was given a new heart. When love bubbles up out of my spirit for others, I am reminded of Christ living in me. What are the areas you struggle the most? God will challenge you in those areas, as He does me, in order to make us grow stronger.
"Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..." Phillipians 1:6
Don't wish you were more like someone else or berate yourself over your weaknesses. God wants to make changes in all of us for the better. Allow God to make your strengths shine brightly for Him. Then allow Him to turn your weaknesses into a new strength . That is the power of God in your life! He gets all the glory, praise, and honor. When God makes these changes, I challenge you to use this blog to share it with others. Maybe it will be a testimony, a revelation from His Word, or the development of the fruits of the spirit in your life.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who participated in our fundraiser! It was a huge success!
A special thank you to Angelo's Pizza & Sub for allowing us to do this fundraiser with them!
A special thank you to Angelo's Pizza & Sub for allowing us to do this fundraiser with them!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Mom's Connection Fundraiser
Angelo's Pizza & Sub in the Martinsburg Mall is donating 10% of their earnings to Mom's Connection on this Saturday, March 21. Please support us by coming out any time during the day and ordering some great food!! Some of us are meeting out their for lunch at the food court at 11 am if you want to join us!
While at the Martinsburg Mall you can participate in the Dinosaur Dazzle Event where your children can do hands-on activities with local organizations that provide services to children and families. There will also be several puppet showings! Please pass this on to your family and friends! Thank you!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Are you taking the narrow way?
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:13-14
There are many times in our Christian walk when we come to a fork in the road. One path is wide and smooth. It is level and makes for easy travel. The other path is rocky, with unlevel ground. There are many obstacles and pitfalls. It is an uphill climb. Which path would you be tempted to take? People you know and respect are taking the wide path. You feel you should take the narrow path. Others wonder what you thinking because it is much easier to go this way. Then you begin to question whether you are doing the right thing.
Then you see Jesus beckoning you down the narrow road. He says, 'I am going this way. Let's walk together. I will help you over the obstacles and strengthen you to walk up the steep hills.' What do you choose? Some tell you Jesus wouldn't go that way.
Jesus calls us to walk down the narrow path, not to follow the majority. When we look at God's word we know Jesus was never main-stream. He didn't follow the crowd. He was seen as a radical. When we follow Him, we are also seen as radicals and that puts us in the minority. But Jesus says to those who follow Him he gives eternal life. I want to be a radical for Jesus, rather than follow a crowd down a path that leads to death.
Even when you feel everyone else is going the other way, stay the course. Keep following Jesus down the narrow path. Let's stand for Jesus together in this world and choose to follow where He leads no matter what the cost.
Love in Christ,
Kim Ratcliffe
Matthew 7:13-14
There are many times in our Christian walk when we come to a fork in the road. One path is wide and smooth. It is level and makes for easy travel. The other path is rocky, with unlevel ground. There are many obstacles and pitfalls. It is an uphill climb. Which path would you be tempted to take? People you know and respect are taking the wide path. You feel you should take the narrow path. Others wonder what you thinking because it is much easier to go this way. Then you begin to question whether you are doing the right thing.
Then you see Jesus beckoning you down the narrow road. He says, 'I am going this way. Let's walk together. I will help you over the obstacles and strengthen you to walk up the steep hills.' What do you choose? Some tell you Jesus wouldn't go that way.
Jesus calls us to walk down the narrow path, not to follow the majority. When we look at God's word we know Jesus was never main-stream. He didn't follow the crowd. He was seen as a radical. When we follow Him, we are also seen as radicals and that puts us in the minority. But Jesus says to those who follow Him he gives eternal life. I want to be a radical for Jesus, rather than follow a crowd down a path that leads to death.
Even when you feel everyone else is going the other way, stay the course. Keep following Jesus down the narrow path. Let's stand for Jesus together in this world and choose to follow where He leads no matter what the cost.
Love in Christ,
Kim Ratcliffe
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March's Events
The Praise & Worship Service at Bethel Assembly of God on this past Monday night was great! All of us women had a wonderful time in the presence of God. We sang beautiful songs, heard an encouraging word, and took communion together. It was so nice to see so many moms from Mom's Connection there!! Let's keep going after God together!
Our upcoming events for March are as follows:
Friday, March 20 Times of Refreshing Prayer Meeting- Join us at Kim Ratcliffe's house for a time of prayer together among other spirit-filled believers. Children are welcomed.
Saturday, March 21 Mom's Connection Fundraiser- Angelo's Pizza & Sub in the Martinsburg Mall is giving us 10% earnings for the day when you oder any food or drinks from them. Please come out and support us!
Tuesday, March 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meetings. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You will choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Tuesday, March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
Our upcoming events for March are as follows:
Friday, March 20 Times of Refreshing Prayer Meeting- Join us at Kim Ratcliffe's house for a time of prayer together among other spirit-filled believers. Children are welcomed.
Saturday, March 21 Mom's Connection Fundraiser- Angelo's Pizza & Sub in the Martinsburg Mall is giving us 10% earnings for the day when you oder any food or drinks from them. Please come out and support us!
Tuesday, March 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meetings. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You will choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
Tuesday, March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Testimony Tuesday
For many years I was a full-time caregiver for my Grandmother. It was such a rewarding time in my life, but also a lonely time. The few friends I had before I started doing care giving gradually disappeared. I just didn’t have time to get together anymore. Then, in 2007, I was invited to attend Mom’s Connection. God knew, before I did, that I desperately needed some Christian friends. I wanted to go to a meeting, but between caring for my Grandmother & my new baby, I just didn’t have the time or energy.
Then in the fall of that same year, my Grandmother passed away. For the first time in years, I realized how lonely I was. I have never made friends easily, but I recognized that I needed to reach out. I decided to attend a Mom’s Connection meeting. I prayed to God that this meeting would help me find some other Christian women that I could relate to & with whom I could begin to develop friendships. As Sharon Jaynes says in her book The Power Of A Woman’s Words, "…God has designed women to develop godly friendships and encourage each other…We are much like coals or cinders that die out alone, but burst into flame when brought together and stirred." My flame has been rekindled, thanks to the friends God has placed in my path. Needless to say, God blessed me that day & continues to bless me through the women of Mom’s Connection!
May God Bless You!
Donnis Lloyd
Then in the fall of that same year, my Grandmother passed away. For the first time in years, I realized how lonely I was. I have never made friends easily, but I recognized that I needed to reach out. I decided to attend a Mom’s Connection meeting. I prayed to God that this meeting would help me find some other Christian women that I could relate to & with whom I could begin to develop friendships. As Sharon Jaynes says in her book The Power Of A Woman’s Words, "…God has designed women to develop godly friendships and encourage each other…We are much like coals or cinders that die out alone, but burst into flame when brought together and stirred." My flame has been rekindled, thanks to the friends God has placed in my path. Needless to say, God blessed me that day & continues to bless me through the women of Mom’s Connection!
May God Bless You!
Donnis Lloyd
Monday, March 16, 2009
In Christ Alone
I opened the door and placed the container inside it. I closed the door, pushed some buttons, and presto it came to life. Suddenly I heard a crackle and I saw smoke pouring out the back of it. Immediately I realized it's dead. I am irritated and confused because it had never failed me before. It was my MICROWAVE...
On a daily basis I put my faith in things that will eventually stop short. I have put my faith in people who disappointed me. I have put my faith in friends who let me down. I have put my faith in the institution of a church and was unfulfilled. I have put my faith in pastors who opened my eyes to their humanity. Everything I have put my faith in has failed me except Christ Jesus. Only when I have put my faith completely in Christ am I never disappointed.
I learned this early in life from my father but not the way you might imagine. Because my father was a godly man. I can honestly say he never disappointed me. He was just, honest, and loving. I could count on him in any situation. He was in my view the perfection of what a father should be. However he died. He was human. I know it wasn't his fault. I know he didn't leave me on his own. But it is a reminder to me that it is my heavenly father who said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" Joshua 1:5. It was then my faith completely rested 100% in Christ.
I believe it is something we must all at one point come to realize. Our faith should rest in Christ alone. All humanity and all earthly things will eventually show their frailities and imperfections, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23 Yet in Christ alone I am filled with peace, joy, and love. I lay all my expectations at His feet. It relieves others in my life from fulfilling me in areas that only Christ can. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" Ephesians 3:20
Who is your faith in today?
On a daily basis I put my faith in things that will eventually stop short. I have put my faith in people who disappointed me. I have put my faith in friends who let me down. I have put my faith in the institution of a church and was unfulfilled. I have put my faith in pastors who opened my eyes to their humanity. Everything I have put my faith in has failed me except Christ Jesus. Only when I have put my faith completely in Christ am I never disappointed.
I learned this early in life from my father but not the way you might imagine. Because my father was a godly man. I can honestly say he never disappointed me. He was just, honest, and loving. I could count on him in any situation. He was in my view the perfection of what a father should be. However he died. He was human. I know it wasn't his fault. I know he didn't leave me on his own. But it is a reminder to me that it is my heavenly father who said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" Joshua 1:5. It was then my faith completely rested 100% in Christ.
I believe it is something we must all at one point come to realize. Our faith should rest in Christ alone. All humanity and all earthly things will eventually show their frailities and imperfections, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23 Yet in Christ alone I am filled with peace, joy, and love. I lay all my expectations at His feet. It relieves others in my life from fulfilling me in areas that only Christ can. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" Ephesians 3:20
Who is your faith in today?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Our Game Night
On Thursday, February 26, 2009 Mom's Connection had a game night at Amanda Dagostino's house. Everyone brought an appetizer to share for dinner. We enjoyed Amanda's famous party ham rolls, Tex-Mex Chicken Melts, meatballs, Julia's delicious artichoke dip, pizza bites, brownies and much more!
After the munchies and great conversation, we started off playing Catch Phrase. We divided into two teams. We were presented with a phrase and had to get our team to guess what it was by using words and motions. We laughed until we cried!
After playing two rounds of Catch Phrase, we switched to the American Idol Wii. Together and separately we chose songs to sing like karaoke. That was so much fun we played it the rest of the evening.
On May 15 we are planning another game night. You don't want to miss it!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Where are you?
I was reading my Women of Faith devotional and the entry for February 21 especially spoke to me. I thought I would share it with you.
The Heart of the Matter
"Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, 'Where are you?'"
"Where are you?" Those three words represent so much. When God called out to Adam and Eve, He was after something. He desired something. Something way beyond what He was asking.
What God desired was honesty. He wanted Adam and Eve to answer Him with the truth. He desired for His children to realize where they were. Tell Him where they were. That would be their first step in realizing the state of their hearts and their desperate need for Him.
I have learned that the Lord is always on a pursuit to get to the heart of the matter. But we keep changing the bandages instead of running to God and saying, "Heal me, Lord--whatever it takes." We hide and keep on hiding. Like Adam and Eve, God speaks to us: " Why are you doing that? I see it all." He wants us to come to Him with abandon.
By Kathy Troccoli, Hope for a Woman's Heart
Where are you today? God knows where you are. He wants to know if you know where you are and to tell Him honestly. No matter where you are God sees you, and He wants to meet you there and take you further with Him.
"You're the God who sees me. Now I have seen the one who sees me." Genesis 16:13
Mom's Connection meets every third Friday of the month for prayer. Come join us and let God meet you where you are.
Love in Christ,
Kim Ratcliffe
The Heart of the Matter
"Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, 'Where are you?'"
"Where are you?" Those three words represent so much. When God called out to Adam and Eve, He was after something. He desired something. Something way beyond what He was asking.
What God desired was honesty. He wanted Adam and Eve to answer Him with the truth. He desired for His children to realize where they were. Tell Him where they were. That would be their first step in realizing the state of their hearts and their desperate need for Him.
I have learned that the Lord is always on a pursuit to get to the heart of the matter. But we keep changing the bandages instead of running to God and saying, "Heal me, Lord--whatever it takes." We hide and keep on hiding. Like Adam and Eve, God speaks to us: " Why are you doing that? I see it all." He wants us to come to Him with abandon.
By Kathy Troccoli, Hope for a Woman's Heart
Where are you today? God knows where you are. He wants to know if you know where you are and to tell Him honestly. No matter where you are God sees you, and He wants to meet you there and take you further with Him.
"You're the God who sees me. Now I have seen the one who sees me." Genesis 16:13
Mom's Connection meets every third Friday of the month for prayer. Come join us and let God meet you where you are.
Love in Christ,
Kim Ratcliffe
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March's Events
What's up Wednesday? Find a list of our upcoming activities every Wednesday!
March 16 Praise & Worship Service- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in
the Sanctuary at 7 pm. Childcare will be provided.
March 20 Times of Refreshing Prayer Meeting- Join us at Kim Ratcliffe's house for a time of prayer together among other spirit-filled believers. Children are welcomed.
March 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace
building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meetings. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You will choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
March 16 Praise & Worship Service- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in
the Sanctuary at 7 pm. Childcare will be provided.
March 20 Times of Refreshing Prayer Meeting- Join us at Kim Ratcliffe's house for a time of prayer together among other spirit-filled believers. Children are welcomed.
March 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace
building rm 109 from 10-11:45 am for our topic meetings. We will enjoy a time of fellowship and break into care circles for discussion. You will choose from one of the three topics we are currently studying.
March 31 Easter Party- At Bethel Assembly of God in the gym we will enjoy a time of games, food, and fun. Bring a dish to share with everyone for lunch. Children are welcomed!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Testimony Tuesday
"You're the God who sees me. Now I have seen the one who sees me." Genesis 16:13
This scripture verse reminds me of my testimony. When I was a child in school I was very shy. A wall-flower to be honest. Nobody really knew me or saw me, but God saw me. As I became an adult I struggled with my self worth. I had never really dated and didn't think anyone would want to date me. After several bad experiences, I married the first man who asked me, because I thought no one else would. God saw me. We were married for two years. During that time my father was sick a lot and eventually died. I fell into a deep depression. Doctors told me there was no cure for depression. I felt hopeless. My marriage ended, and I took all the blame. As I sat on the floor of my mother's house crying, God saw me. I was in a pit of despair and could see no way out. But God was at the top of that pit, saying 'look up I see you'. When I did He took my hand and slowly began to pull me out. He healed me of depression. I eventually gave my heart to God, and have been saved for 10 years now. Now that I am saved I can truly say "Now I have seen the one who sees me."
Kim Ratcliffe
In my quiet place
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul." Psalm 23:1-3
With my coffee in hand, I walk down my quiet hallway back to my bedroom. It is about 5:45 am. I have already exercised, kissed my husband goodbye, and opened my door to allow the neighbor boy to crash on my couch. It's an hour before my house wakes up with the bustling of the morning. I have an appointment I must keep. I don't head for the shower but instead sit down on the floor beside my bed. My appointment is with God.
"You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows". Psalm 23:5
Something amazing happens each morning beside my bed on that floor. God opens up a window in heaven and pours buckets of love, peace, and joy down upon me. The longer I linger, the more I get. It's only then can I get up from that spot to live my life. It's how I have joy in my day, peace in my spirit, and love in my heart for my husband, my children, the extra children in my home, and this world.
This is my quiet place with God when I praise Him, thank Him, tell Him I need Him, and when I commit my day and life to Him. Then I open up my Bible to read His Word. This is when He speaks to me. It's amazing to commune with God. It's amazing to know He's real. It's amazing when God keeps loving me despite my imperfections.
"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6
Are you feeling depleted? God is waiting for you...
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