"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." Titus 3:4-5
Tuesday, May 4 Our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV beginning at 9:30 AM. Enjoy a great breakfast meal, giveaways, our guest speaker, Rev. Jane Campbell and great company-MOMS. Childcare becomes available for those children preregistered to use our childcare from 9:15 -11:45 am.
Friday, May 7 Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A in Martinsburg, WV for Ignyte Women's Ministry at Bethel Assembly of God from 5-8pm. While there, they will provide a craft for women to participate in. They will earn 20% of the sales if you tell them you want to support Ignyte Women's Ministry.
Tuesday, May 11 Topic Meeting Canceled due to No School.
Tuesday, May 25 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack
This is our last topic meeting of the Spring Semester. Come and get your schedule of events for the summer! Join us back for topic meetings in September!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Over the last few weeks I have been reflecting on all of the blessings that God has given me in the past few years. My life has completely turned around in some areas where I felt that things were doomed to remain the same forever. Other areas of my life have improved immeasurably and I am very much filled with gratitude; although I didn't realize how truly grateful I was until I wrote them down. I started my list of blessings shortly after I finished reading "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer. In her book, she mentions the Israelites who complained about everything...even the blessings that were given them just because they were still stuck in the wilderness...and the reason they were still stuck in the desert was partly because they lacked a spirit of gratitude for what God had done for them (leading them out of Egypt and oppression).
To fully understand why I am so happy about where I am and where I am headed in my life, I must first tell you where I've been. Right after I had my son, Sean in 2006, I suffered from a massive bout of depression. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful holding my new little bundle of joy but it was also extremely overwhelming. We lived in a small apartment, that I kid you not, you could easily stand in the hallway and have all of your appendages touching a different room. I had absolutely no friends. All of the people that I had called friends before I had married or had a child were in a different place in their lives. All of those friends were still single and most had moved out of the area and were still in college. With a new baby, I had no time to stay in touch and with their busy class schedules they had no time for me either.
I didn't even have a pet to coddle or nurture and this really bothered me. I had always had a pet growing up and in the apartment no pets were allowed.
I also was afraid to go get the mail out of the mailbox or take out the trash because every time I would get the courage to go to the mailbox or the dumpster I would hear catcalls from other tenants or get looks from various other people living in the apartments. There was no play area and only a small amount of grass beside the apartment and all of the kids within the apartments would play on the gravel but always had to worry about possibly being run over by a careless driver whacked-out on some kind of drug. So--going outside didn't happen. I was stuck between four walls...starved for any other human interaction and I was beginning to feel like I didn't even deserve to have someone listen to me when I did talk.
I had grown up in church and God was still important to me but now with my husband's second job we had to work on the weekends and were working every Sunday. Not going to church, not worshiping God, not fellow shipping with other Christians made me feel so unworthy, so unloved, so depressed....so wretched.
On top of all of this, I was so bored. The television was my only companion during the day and then my husband got home from his first job and I had absolutely nothing to contribute to an adult conversation. When we are "bored" is when we start to entertain some pretty unhealthy thoughts. I was really beginning to feel that I was unworthy of friendship and any one's love....let alone God's love.
The first major turnaround for me was coming to Mom's Connection. Here I found other moms, reconnected with God (who still loves me), and began to heal. I have built some pretty awesome friendships with some pretty amazing ladies. I feel accepted, loved, and appreciated. I just wanted to thank all of you ladies who made me feel special again. Thank you for the change you helped along in me though your friendship, advice, and love.
I consider being your Hospitality Coordinator one of the biggest blessings in my life. I enjoy giving back some of the love and friendship that all of you have so graciously extended to me.
I have been blessed beyond belief. Now I have a beautiful new home, two cute little bunny rabbits, a beta fish, and plenty of room for me and little Sean to play outside. I also get to mow the grass...which is almost a passion with me. In fact, when the weather was so cold and nasty and snowy this past winter I dreamed about mowing the grass....:)
Most importantly, I have a brand-new invigorating hunger and relationship with Christ. Even though I put our relationship on the back burner...he never forgot me. He has taken me into His arms like the prodigal daughter I was and it is wonderful to allow myself to feel His love once more.
It is truly awesome to stand in His presence once again and give Him the praise and worship He so richly deserves. God is good!
Tina Burton
To fully understand why I am so happy about where I am and where I am headed in my life, I must first tell you where I've been. Right after I had my son, Sean in 2006, I suffered from a massive bout of depression. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful holding my new little bundle of joy but it was also extremely overwhelming. We lived in a small apartment, that I kid you not, you could easily stand in the hallway and have all of your appendages touching a different room. I had absolutely no friends. All of the people that I had called friends before I had married or had a child were in a different place in their lives. All of those friends were still single and most had moved out of the area and were still in college. With a new baby, I had no time to stay in touch and with their busy class schedules they had no time for me either.
I didn't even have a pet to coddle or nurture and this really bothered me. I had always had a pet growing up and in the apartment no pets were allowed.
I also was afraid to go get the mail out of the mailbox or take out the trash because every time I would get the courage to go to the mailbox or the dumpster I would hear catcalls from other tenants or get looks from various other people living in the apartments. There was no play area and only a small amount of grass beside the apartment and all of the kids within the apartments would play on the gravel but always had to worry about possibly being run over by a careless driver whacked-out on some kind of drug. So--going outside didn't happen. I was stuck between four walls...starved for any other human interaction and I was beginning to feel like I didn't even deserve to have someone listen to me when I did talk.
I had grown up in church and God was still important to me but now with my husband's second job we had to work on the weekends and were working every Sunday. Not going to church, not worshiping God, not fellow shipping with other Christians made me feel so unworthy, so unloved, so depressed....so wretched.
On top of all of this, I was so bored. The television was my only companion during the day and then my husband got home from his first job and I had absolutely nothing to contribute to an adult conversation. When we are "bored" is when we start to entertain some pretty unhealthy thoughts. I was really beginning to feel that I was unworthy of friendship and any one's love....let alone God's love.
The first major turnaround for me was coming to Mom's Connection. Here I found other moms, reconnected with God (who still loves me), and began to heal. I have built some pretty awesome friendships with some pretty amazing ladies. I feel accepted, loved, and appreciated. I just wanted to thank all of you ladies who made me feel special again. Thank you for the change you helped along in me though your friendship, advice, and love.
I consider being your Hospitality Coordinator one of the biggest blessings in my life. I enjoy giving back some of the love and friendship that all of you have so graciously extended to me.
I have been blessed beyond belief. Now I have a beautiful new home, two cute little bunny rabbits, a beta fish, and plenty of room for me and little Sean to play outside. I also get to mow the grass...which is almost a passion with me. In fact, when the weather was so cold and nasty and snowy this past winter I dreamed about mowing the grass....:)
Most importantly, I have a brand-new invigorating hunger and relationship with Christ. Even though I put our relationship on the back burner...he never forgot me. He has taken me into His arms like the prodigal daughter I was and it is wonderful to allow myself to feel His love once more.
It is truly awesome to stand in His presence once again and give Him the praise and worship He so richly deserves. God is good!
Tina Burton
Monday, April 26, 2010
Our Vision Statement
Connecting moms in our community to God, growing moms in the faith, and seeing families connected to the family of God as participates in His Kingdom.
When Kim Ratcliffe and I were first starting Mom's Connection, God gave me a vision of how this group was going to grow. In my mind I saw moms leaving our current meeting room and going into the surrounding rooms. In our first year, there were only five moms who came consistently (I'm counting myself and Kim) so seeing that vision was astounding to me. I was reminded recently how this vision is a reality. No wonder God has directed us to create a new vision and share it with everyone.
Our vision statement is meant to tell us where we hope to go. One definition is "a vision statement is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning". It's what we feel God wants for Mom's Connection for the future. It's focusing us on reaching other moms in our community and growing relationally and spiritually within our group. We are believing this vision will also soon become a reality. We are already seeing evidence of it.
When Kim Ratcliffe and I were first starting Mom's Connection, God gave me a vision of how this group was going to grow. In my mind I saw moms leaving our current meeting room and going into the surrounding rooms. In our first year, there were only five moms who came consistently (I'm counting myself and Kim) so seeing that vision was astounding to me. I was reminded recently how this vision is a reality. No wonder God has directed us to create a new vision and share it with everyone.
Our vision statement is meant to tell us where we hope to go. One definition is "a vision statement is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning". It's what we feel God wants for Mom's Connection for the future. It's focusing us on reaching other moms in our community and growing relationally and spiritually within our group. We are believing this vision will also soon become a reality. We are already seeing evidence of it.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What You Don't Want To Miss!!
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16
Tuesday, April 27 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
A peak into May....
Tuesday, May 4 Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV beginning at 9:30 AM. Enjoy a great breakfast meal, giveaways, our guest speaker, Rev. Jane Campbell and great company-MOMS.
Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Tuesday, May 11 Topic Meeting Canceled due to No School.
Tuesday, May 25 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the MACE building, room 109 from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups. Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children.
Tuesday, April 27 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
A peak into May....
Tuesday, May 4 Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV beginning at 9:30 AM. Enjoy a great breakfast meal, giveaways, our guest speaker, Rev. Jane Campbell and great company-MOMS.
Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Tuesday, May 11 Topic Meeting Canceled due to No School.
Tuesday, May 25 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the MACE building, room 109 from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups. Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children.
Monday, April 19, 2010
He Cares For You!
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Scriptures in the Bible take on real meaning when we apply them to our lives. Before that, they might seem like just words on a page. But O how they are so much more.
My lifestyle consists daily of casting all my anxieties at the foot of my Savior, Jesus Christ. The list is so long. I can't just bring the big things but every little detail of my day because I need His intervention.
One of my recent anxieties was how I was going to afford to throw my sister a bridal shower. She is getting married this summer and I am the Matron of Honor. In my heart I wanted to throw her the very best shower, not skimping on any detail. Looking at my meager budget I wondered how that would be possible. But God saw. Just as I began planning out all the details, getting all the more overwhelmed, God provided the answer.
My sister's future mother-in-law wanted to throw her a bridal shower too. At first I was irritated at this notion but I took this to God in prayer. As I was praying about it, God turned my irritation into a possible opportunity. At God's urging I called "future mom-in-law" and asked if she would consider doing a bridal shower together. She, so wonderfully, said yes. But God doesn't just give you the answer, He also throws the whip cream and cherry on top. I will continue to do everything I wanted to do for this bridal shower like the games, invitations, cake, (the whole theme really) while my partner does the location and food. The financial burden has been completely lifted off me.
This past Saturday I viewed the location of the bridal shower and it is more beautiful than I could have imagined. The meal is going to be partly catered by a seafood restaurant and I love seafood! I told "future mom-in-law" how her willingness to partner with me for this bridal shower was an answer to prayer and I watched her face beam. I am so thankful for a Savior who cares for me and shows it!
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ show how much He cares for you this week by lifting your anxiety in a way you could not imagine! Blessings, Lisa
Scriptures in the Bible take on real meaning when we apply them to our lives. Before that, they might seem like just words on a page. But O how they are so much more.
My lifestyle consists daily of casting all my anxieties at the foot of my Savior, Jesus Christ. The list is so long. I can't just bring the big things but every little detail of my day because I need His intervention.
One of my recent anxieties was how I was going to afford to throw my sister a bridal shower. She is getting married this summer and I am the Matron of Honor. In my heart I wanted to throw her the very best shower, not skimping on any detail. Looking at my meager budget I wondered how that would be possible. But God saw. Just as I began planning out all the details, getting all the more overwhelmed, God provided the answer.
My sister's future mother-in-law wanted to throw her a bridal shower too. At first I was irritated at this notion but I took this to God in prayer. As I was praying about it, God turned my irritation into a possible opportunity. At God's urging I called "future mom-in-law" and asked if she would consider doing a bridal shower together. She, so wonderfully, said yes. But God doesn't just give you the answer, He also throws the whip cream and cherry on top. I will continue to do everything I wanted to do for this bridal shower like the games, invitations, cake, (the whole theme really) while my partner does the location and food. The financial burden has been completely lifted off me.
This past Saturday I viewed the location of the bridal shower and it is more beautiful than I could have imagined. The meal is going to be partly catered by a seafood restaurant and I love seafood! I told "future mom-in-law" how her willingness to partner with me for this bridal shower was an answer to prayer and I watched her face beam. I am so thankful for a Savior who cares for me and shows it!
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ show how much He cares for you this week by lifting your anxiety in a way you could not imagine! Blessings, Lisa
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Upcoming Events!!
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
Tuesday, April 27 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
A peak into May....Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV on Tuesday, May 4 beginning at 9:30 AM. Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom for a buffet style breakfast meal until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Tuesday, April 27 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
A peak into May....Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV on Tuesday, May 4 beginning at 9:30 AM. Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom for a buffet style breakfast meal until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Getting to Know...Heather Ellifritz
Heather Ellifritz has a great personality and a smile always at the ready.
Heather is married to Mike, the music pastor at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV. They have been married for two years. They met while Mike was volunteering at the church. He was also helping manage her parents diner. They have one child, Briella (1).
Her hobbies include scrapbooking, cooking, and reading. She likes just about any kind of music except country.
Heather's favorite thing about Mom's Connection is a chance to get out of the house, have free babysitting, and talk to other moms.
Her relationship with the Lord means everything to her. It is her wish to be more like Jesus and she takes comfort in knowing that she is eternally secure.
Heather's favorite Bible verse is Mark 9:23, "And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes." This verse helps her to remember to have faith and believe in Him and through prayer anything is possible.
Tina Burton
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The U in JesUs
Before U were thought of or time had begun,
God stuck U in the name of His Son…
And each time U pray, you'll see it's true,
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name,
For U, He was born; that's why He came.
And His great love for U is the reason He died.
It even takes U to spell crUcified.
Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He rose from the dead, with U in His plan?
The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew,
And this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.
When JesUs left earth at His Upward ascension,
He felt there was one thing He just had to mention.
"Go into the world and tell them it's true
That I love them all - Just like I love U."
So many great people are spelled with a U,
Don't they have a right to know JesUs too?
It all depends now on what U will do,
He'd like them to know,
But it all starts with U.
Thank you Tina Burton for sharing this with us.
God stuck U in the name of His Son…
And each time U pray, you'll see it's true,
You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.
You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name,
For U, He was born; that's why He came.
And His great love for U is the reason He died.
It even takes U to spell crUcified.
Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand
He rose from the dead, with U in His plan?
The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew,
And this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.
When JesUs left earth at His Upward ascension,
He felt there was one thing He just had to mention.
"Go into the world and tell them it's true
That I love them all - Just like I love U."
So many great people are spelled with a U,
Don't they have a right to know JesUs too?
It all depends now on what U will do,
He'd like them to know,
But it all starts with U.
Thank you Tina Burton for sharing this with us.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Upcoming Events!!
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9
Monday, April 12 Baby Shower for Tanya Clemons at Bethel A/G in the Mace building, room 109 at 6:30 PM. Come for a time of games and fellowship to show your love for Tanya and her new baby girl. Items requested are all consumable items such as diapers, wipes, bath soap, etc. If you would like more information, contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
Tuesday, April 13 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups. Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
Tuesday, April 27 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the MACE building in room 109 from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
A peak into May....
Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV on Tuesday, May 4 beginning at 9:30 AM. Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom for a buffet style breakfast meal until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Monday, April 12 Baby Shower for Tanya Clemons at Bethel A/G in the Mace building, room 109 at 6:30 PM. Come for a time of games and fellowship to show your love for Tanya and her new baby girl. Items requested are all consumable items such as diapers, wipes, bath soap, etc. If you would like more information, contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
Tuesday, April 13 Topic meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV (just past City Hospital) in the MACE building (large activity building behind the church) in room 109 (large center room on first floor) from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups. Childcare is provided on the premises for all ages of children. All childcare workers undergo a background search. Your children will enjoy a craft, storytime, games, and snack.
Tuesday, April 27 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the MACE building in room 109 from 9:45- 11:45 AM. We meet for a time of brunch, prayer, and discussion groups.
A peak into May....
Be sure to get your ticket for our Annual Mother's Day Breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV on Tuesday, May 4 beginning at 9:30 AM. Childcare is available for those children preregistered to use our childcare. Tickets are available at $12 per mom for a buffet style breakfast meal until the end of April. To purchase your ticket, see Lisa Fraley.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement: Our goal is to nurture all mothers: to reach out with encouragement, friendship, and support; and to enable each woman to be all God created her to be. A group where Nobody Stands Alone.
During the Amplify meeting this past Wednesday night at Bethel Assembly of God, the Pastor reminded the congregation of the vision for our church. It was an evening of envisioning what God wants to do and can do at Bethel Assembly of God. We were encouraged to look beyond the boundaries we have set to see what God wants for us instead. The meeting encouraged many of us to look excitedly and expectantly on what God can do. I believe God wants to do more for moms in our community and chooses to use Mom's Connection. This compels me to share and expound with you this week our mission statement.
In the business world it is important to make known what your company's fundamental purpose is to the public and to itself. The same goes for a ministry. We must know why we exist, communicate our intended purpose, and filter all we do through the goal of our mission. I have learned over the years there are many noble things to do but we must stay within our main purpose in which God has called us. I am thankful our mission statement is still as relevant today as it was five years after starting this group.
Our mission statement begins with nurturing all mothers. The focus here is the word "all". After my own two children went off to school, my job as a mom was not made easier just different. No matter what the ages of our children are, we can find a common ground with one another. Whether they are babies or teenagers, we continue to face difficult obstacles and challenges with them. I find it the most helpful when facing something new for me as a parent when another mom, who has been over that same hurdle, can share with me, "this too shall pass." Our job doesn't end when our children go off to school and neither does our need for connection.
When I was in my senior year in high school, we had to choose our "class song". We chose the theme song to "Cheers". I'm not sure if everyone remembers that song but the lyrics go like this: "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows Your name. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same, You wanna go where everybody knows your name." This is what everyone wants and needs especially moms. When we are in our homes day in and day out, we need to reach out to others for encouragement, friendship and support for our own well being. We need a place to be authentic and real where we can admit that parenting is hard, but it's worth the effort. Our goal is that Mom's Connection would be that place for you.
The only way we can stand by this mission statement is if we, as leaders and members of Mom's Connection, become all God created us to be. We work to get out of our old habits, assumptions of others, and mindsets to see what God sees in each person. We step out of our comfort zone to reach to all women regardless of our personal feelings to hang out with people in our circle. We are open to the leading of God in our lives when we are studying a topic whether it's in our marriage, our parenting, or our minds. It is essential for God to work through us because we remain a work in progress. This is especially important if we are even capable of becoming a group where Nobody Stands Alone.
During the Amplify meeting this past Wednesday night at Bethel Assembly of God, the Pastor reminded the congregation of the vision for our church. It was an evening of envisioning what God wants to do and can do at Bethel Assembly of God. We were encouraged to look beyond the boundaries we have set to see what God wants for us instead. The meeting encouraged many of us to look excitedly and expectantly on what God can do. I believe God wants to do more for moms in our community and chooses to use Mom's Connection. This compels me to share and expound with you this week our mission statement.
In the business world it is important to make known what your company's fundamental purpose is to the public and to itself. The same goes for a ministry. We must know why we exist, communicate our intended purpose, and filter all we do through the goal of our mission. I have learned over the years there are many noble things to do but we must stay within our main purpose in which God has called us. I am thankful our mission statement is still as relevant today as it was five years after starting this group.
Our mission statement begins with nurturing all mothers. The focus here is the word "all". After my own two children went off to school, my job as a mom was not made easier just different. No matter what the ages of our children are, we can find a common ground with one another. Whether they are babies or teenagers, we continue to face difficult obstacles and challenges with them. I find it the most helpful when facing something new for me as a parent when another mom, who has been over that same hurdle, can share with me, "this too shall pass." Our job doesn't end when our children go off to school and neither does our need for connection.
When I was in my senior year in high school, we had to choose our "class song". We chose the theme song to "Cheers". I'm not sure if everyone remembers that song but the lyrics go like this: "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows Your name. You wanna go where people know, people are all the same, You wanna go where everybody knows your name." This is what everyone wants and needs especially moms. When we are in our homes day in and day out, we need to reach out to others for encouragement, friendship and support for our own well being. We need a place to be authentic and real where we can admit that parenting is hard, but it's worth the effort. Our goal is that Mom's Connection would be that place for you.
The only way we can stand by this mission statement is if we, as leaders and members of Mom's Connection, become all God created us to be. We work to get out of our old habits, assumptions of others, and mindsets to see what God sees in each person. We step out of our comfort zone to reach to all women regardless of our personal feelings to hang out with people in our circle. We are open to the leading of God in our lives when we are studying a topic whether it's in our marriage, our parenting, or our minds. It is essential for God to work through us because we remain a work in progress. This is especially important if we are even capable of becoming a group where Nobody Stands Alone.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Good Friday!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
"We must know the power of the Blood if we are to know the power of God. Our knowing experimentally the power of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer is dependant upon our knowing the power of the Blood of Christ."
(Reuben Archer) R. A. Torrey
"Without the work of the Cross we would be quite helpless. The Cross enables us to come out free from under the heaviest and most powerful mental bondage. Not all the power of Satan, or sin, or habit can hold us captive any longer."
Tom Marshall
"In Christ, troubles are turned into triumph, so in Him we look at what is coming as the times of the greatest triumphs the world has ever known! The conclusion of all things is that we win! The cross will prevail. This is the foundational truth that all of our understanding of these times must be based on. There will be no retreat in those who walk in the true light. When you open your shades at night, darkness does not come in and flood the room. Rather the light shines out into the darkness because light is stronger than darkness. The darker it becomes, the brighter our light will be. Where sin abounds, grace will that much more abound."
Rick Joyner
"If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Saviour."
Roy Lessin
"We must know the power of the Blood if we are to know the power of God. Our knowing experimentally the power of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer is dependant upon our knowing the power of the Blood of Christ."
(Reuben Archer) R. A. Torrey
"Without the work of the Cross we would be quite helpless. The Cross enables us to come out free from under the heaviest and most powerful mental bondage. Not all the power of Satan, or sin, or habit can hold us captive any longer."
Tom Marshall
"In Christ, troubles are turned into triumph, so in Him we look at what is coming as the times of the greatest triumphs the world has ever known! The conclusion of all things is that we win! The cross will prevail. This is the foundational truth that all of our understanding of these times must be based on. There will be no retreat in those who walk in the true light. When you open your shades at night, darkness does not come in and flood the room. Rather the light shines out into the darkness because light is stronger than darkness. The darker it becomes, the brighter our light will be. Where sin abounds, grace will that much more abound."
Rick Joyner
"If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Saviour."
Roy Lessin
Our Easter Party

Thank you to Noah's Ark Animal Workshop Consultant, Gail Elseroad for providing the animals to stuff with a great price and variety to choose from. Thanks to Rhonda Byers for operating that station with the children. For every mom who helped set and clean up tables and chairs, thank you for your help. With everyone working together we had a great time!
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