Our first meeting in the New Year is Tuesday, January 8 with a Slumber Party theme. We will be meeting the same time at 9:45 am and same place at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in the Heritage Chapel Room.
The Slumber Party meeting will include a pajama fashion show, a re-gift gift exchange, and a game of Truth or Dare in our care circles. Please wear your latest pajama fashion and bring a wrapped gift with you that was once gifted to you (do not purchase one!). To kick off our new year together, let's all bring a snack or drink to share with everyone.
We have a many great events planned for the Spring Semester. So mark your calenders to join Mom's Connection every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Spring Semester schedule will be handed out at our next meeting.
Have a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
How Do I Pray for the Families of Sandy Hook?
How Do I Pray for the Families of Sandy Hook?
Written by Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs 31 Ministries
"Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off." Proberbs 24:14
There are things mommies aren't ever supposed to find.
They aren't supposed to find themselves in a firehouse frantically looking for their child.
They aren't supposed to find their child's name on a list of those who won't be coming home. They aren't supposed to find a dress to wear to their child's funeral.
They aren't supposed to turn their calendar and find a date circled for the birthday party they were supposed to be planning next month. The one that won't be.
Or walk to the mailbox and find their child's dentist appointment reminder card. The receptionist forgot to pull that one out.
Or find a book they know their child would love. Only half way to the checkout counter they remember, their child is gone.
They aren't supposed to find these things.
They aren't supposed to find that grieving for a child is like navigating a path with chasms so wide their continued steps seem impossible. Terrifying. Hopeless.
I know these chasms. I watched my mom stare at them. I saw her wish she could fall in them and never have to take another painful step. I wept over everything she found reminding her my sister was gone.
That's how I know what God would have me pray right now. For the families of the loved ones that lost so much last Friday. But especially for the mommies.
The mommies that even right now are finding things no mommy should have to find.
I want my prayers to slip into those chasms and somehow fill them. I am asking God to show me. Make me aware of the specific things those mommies might find in the months to come.
When the black dresses are hanging in the closets. The media has packed up and gone home. The cards stop coming. The neighbors' lives go back to normal.
And in the quietness of her own grief that mommy finds something. Something that breaks her heart all over again. And in that space of pure grief, she feels horrifically alone.
Please Lord, let my prayers go there. Prick my heart to fill that chasm with layers of prayers from my mommy heart. Let me take the deep grief of that moment so she doesn't have to be so alone.
Though she won't see me or hear my prayers, may she feel an unexplainable sense of Your presence. And know. You.
That's what I pray she does find. You. With her. Comfort. Peace. Healing. Hope.
Oh God, show us how to pray.
Dear Lord, thank You that Your Son and Holy Spirit pray for us when we don't have words. Please fill in the gaps of my prayers, but also help me respond when You prompt me to pray for the hurting. It's only by Your sufficient grace we can do this. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Written by Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs 31 Ministries
"Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off." Proberbs 24:14
There are things mommies aren't ever supposed to find.
They aren't supposed to find themselves in a firehouse frantically looking for their child.
They aren't supposed to find their child's name on a list of those who won't be coming home. They aren't supposed to find a dress to wear to their child's funeral.
They aren't supposed to turn their calendar and find a date circled for the birthday party they were supposed to be planning next month. The one that won't be.
Or walk to the mailbox and find their child's dentist appointment reminder card. The receptionist forgot to pull that one out.
Or find a book they know their child would love. Only half way to the checkout counter they remember, their child is gone.
They aren't supposed to find these things.
They aren't supposed to find that grieving for a child is like navigating a path with chasms so wide their continued steps seem impossible. Terrifying. Hopeless.
I know these chasms. I watched my mom stare at them. I saw her wish she could fall in them and never have to take another painful step. I wept over everything she found reminding her my sister was gone.
That's how I know what God would have me pray right now. For the families of the loved ones that lost so much last Friday. But especially for the mommies.
The mommies that even right now are finding things no mommy should have to find.
I want my prayers to slip into those chasms and somehow fill them. I am asking God to show me. Make me aware of the specific things those mommies might find in the months to come.
When the black dresses are hanging in the closets. The media has packed up and gone home. The cards stop coming. The neighbors' lives go back to normal.
And in the quietness of her own grief that mommy finds something. Something that breaks her heart all over again. And in that space of pure grief, she feels horrifically alone.
Please Lord, let my prayers go there. Prick my heart to fill that chasm with layers of prayers from my mommy heart. Let me take the deep grief of that moment so she doesn't have to be so alone.
Though she won't see me or hear my prayers, may she feel an unexplainable sense of Your presence. And know. You.
That's what I pray she does find. You. With her. Comfort. Peace. Healing. Hope.
Oh God, show us how to pray.
Dear Lord, thank You that Your Son and Holy Spirit pray for us when we don't have words. Please fill in the gaps of my prayers, but also help me respond when You prompt me to pray for the hurting. It's only by Your sufficient grace we can do this. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Our Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party is Tuesday, December 11 beginning at 10 AM in the gym located in the Mace building at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV. We will have an array of activities to do with our children from playing on moon bounces, decorating cupcakes, make an ornament, and sit on Santa's lap!
We will enjoy lunch together accompanied with games and prizes! Moms please bring a dessert to share with everyone. The main course of subs, pizzas, chips, and drinks will be provided. We are very limited on high chairs so it is recommended for you to bring a stroller or portable booster for your little one in order to eat.
Because this event has a catered meal, all participants were asked to RSVP by signing upif they were attending. Please contact Sherry White, Event Coordinator, about this event.
We will enjoy lunch together accompanied with games and prizes! Moms please bring a dessert to share with everyone. The main course of subs, pizzas, chips, and drinks will be provided. We are very limited on high chairs so it is recommended for you to bring a stroller or portable booster for your little one in order to eat.
Because this event has a catered meal, all participants were asked to RSVP by signing upif they were attending. Please contact Sherry White, Event Coordinator, about this event.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Giving back this Christmas!
During the November 27 topic meeting, we made fleece baby blankets in an array of designs. Moms paired up with one another, scissors in hand and got to work. Everyone did an amazing job and all the blankets were beautiful!
Each blanket will be donated to City Hospital in Martinsburg, WV to be distributed to new moms and their babies this Christmas season!
Thank you to everyone who came and made a blanket!
Each blanket will be donated to City Hospital in Martinsburg, WV to be distributed to new moms and their babies this Christmas season!
Thank you to everyone who came and made a blanket!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Take Christmas to People who have nothing
Excerpt from the book "52 Things Kids Need from a Mom" by Angela Thomas
Kids Need Their Mom....
to take Christmas to people who have nothing
My husband says that when he was a little boy his mom would put him in the car with a basket of food or a bag of clothes and then drive him across town. Wherever they stopped, she would have him get out of the car and carry in whatever she had brought to the family they were visiting. He never had to say a word, just be polite. His mama did all the talking, and Scott just carried things in, stood, and listened. He says he can't count the number of trips he took with her or the number of places they went. "Anywhere she heard there was a need," he says. But the lessons of those trips are the lessons that shaped his huge heart of compassion.
When the children and I married Scott about three years ago, he had already been taking care of several needy families in town. I had no idea while we were dating because he never said a thing. For years, he had been quietly taking holiday meals, gifts, and back-to-school supplies to several families who were surviving on next to nothing. The first Thanksgiving after w weere married, he went to the grocery store, bought meals for several families, delivered them, and forgot to tell me until later.
"You did what?" I couldn't believe he forgot to mention this huge detail to me. So he told me what he'd been doing for years. And I told him, " I want in on that! And I want my kids to do what your mom taught you."
So the week before Christmas came, and I got to work. Scott bought his regular carts of food, and I found out that he also buys toiletry items, detergent, soap, and things like that. I loved adding to the joy by baking some cakes and cookies, and buying and wrapping individual gifts for each person in the families. The night we packed up our car was such a blast. I think we may have even driven two cars. We loaded up all the kids and told them what we were going to do. "We're going to visit some families who don't have very much and give them some things to make their holiday brighter." The kids wanted to go, but none of us had any idea how addictive the giving would be.
The night we pulled up to a tiny home that Scott had visited for years. There were no signs of holiday there. No Christmas tree. No strings of lights. Not a wreath on the door. It took all six of us several trips to unload the food and gifts we had brought. The elderly grandmother cried and cried. Her sons wiped tears from their eyes. Her grandchildren stood in the kitchen awestruck. They kept telling our children thank you with each new box that was stacked on the table. I watched my kids take in the sweetness of giving. I could see how humbled they were. I could see the obvious registering in their hearts we have so much, they have so little.
Before we left, Scott asked if we could pray for them. My kids needed to stand in that dimly lit kitchen holding hands with people they had never met, smelling the smells of nothing on the stove, feeling the cold of not enough heat, and bowing their heads to pray for God's provision for that family. I know the family was grateful we came, but I was so incredibly grateful that my children were standing inside a lesson that would shape them for a lifetime. As we left that first home, the grandmother hugged all the children, spoke blessings over them, and told us all to come back anytime. The seed of giving was planted in their hearts. I prayed it would become their passion.
We made a few more stops that night and all the holidays since, but this past Christmas we had a different version of the lesson. This last December, one of the families knew we were coming, but when we arrived, the house was dark. And it wasn't just dark. It was spooky dark. The kids and I thought nobody was home, but Scott had a different idea. He knocked and knocked on the door, and finally the back door creaked open about a foot wide. The man Scott knew was there, along with several other people. It was the situation Scott had feared. The were home, but using drugs, too embarrassed or too strung out to answer the door.
So there we were, a family of six bringing Christmas to a crack house. I didn't have a clue what to do. Do you give Christmas to a whole houseful of law-breaking drug addicts? Well, apparently you do. Scott told the kids to unload the sleigh, and there they went, sliding one box and bag at a time through the barely open back door. Scott did all the talking to the person inside the house. Nobody else said a word. Honestly, that stop went pretty quick. I was ready to get into our car, lock the doors, and get out of there. When we were on our way, I looked over at Scott like, Oh, my, what just happened? Loud enough for everybody to hear, he humbly offered, "Everybody needs Christmas."
No one in our car needed another sermon about what just happened. God had preached a sermon that would shape our souls. Everybody needs Christmas. Everybody needs the love of Christ. Everybody needs somebody to be Jesus to them.
We have to teach our children that no matter how much we have, there is always something we can share.
Kids Need Their Mom....
to take Christmas to people who have nothing
My husband says that when he was a little boy his mom would put him in the car with a basket of food or a bag of clothes and then drive him across town. Wherever they stopped, she would have him get out of the car and carry in whatever she had brought to the family they were visiting. He never had to say a word, just be polite. His mama did all the talking, and Scott just carried things in, stood, and listened. He says he can't count the number of trips he took with her or the number of places they went. "Anywhere she heard there was a need," he says. But the lessons of those trips are the lessons that shaped his huge heart of compassion.
When the children and I married Scott about three years ago, he had already been taking care of several needy families in town. I had no idea while we were dating because he never said a thing. For years, he had been quietly taking holiday meals, gifts, and back-to-school supplies to several families who were surviving on next to nothing. The first Thanksgiving after w weere married, he went to the grocery store, bought meals for several families, delivered them, and forgot to tell me until later.
"You did what?" I couldn't believe he forgot to mention this huge detail to me. So he told me what he'd been doing for years. And I told him, " I want in on that! And I want my kids to do what your mom taught you."
So the week before Christmas came, and I got to work. Scott bought his regular carts of food, and I found out that he also buys toiletry items, detergent, soap, and things like that. I loved adding to the joy by baking some cakes and cookies, and buying and wrapping individual gifts for each person in the families. The night we packed up our car was such a blast. I think we may have even driven two cars. We loaded up all the kids and told them what we were going to do. "We're going to visit some families who don't have very much and give them some things to make their holiday brighter." The kids wanted to go, but none of us had any idea how addictive the giving would be.
The night we pulled up to a tiny home that Scott had visited for years. There were no signs of holiday there. No Christmas tree. No strings of lights. Not a wreath on the door. It took all six of us several trips to unload the food and gifts we had brought. The elderly grandmother cried and cried. Her sons wiped tears from their eyes. Her grandchildren stood in the kitchen awestruck. They kept telling our children thank you with each new box that was stacked on the table. I watched my kids take in the sweetness of giving. I could see how humbled they were. I could see the obvious registering in their hearts we have so much, they have so little.
Before we left, Scott asked if we could pray for them. My kids needed to stand in that dimly lit kitchen holding hands with people they had never met, smelling the smells of nothing on the stove, feeling the cold of not enough heat, and bowing their heads to pray for God's provision for that family. I know the family was grateful we came, but I was so incredibly grateful that my children were standing inside a lesson that would shape them for a lifetime. As we left that first home, the grandmother hugged all the children, spoke blessings over them, and told us all to come back anytime. The seed of giving was planted in their hearts. I prayed it would become their passion.
We made a few more stops that night and all the holidays since, but this past Christmas we had a different version of the lesson. This last December, one of the families knew we were coming, but when we arrived, the house was dark. And it wasn't just dark. It was spooky dark. The kids and I thought nobody was home, but Scott had a different idea. He knocked and knocked on the door, and finally the back door creaked open about a foot wide. The man Scott knew was there, along with several other people. It was the situation Scott had feared. The were home, but using drugs, too embarrassed or too strung out to answer the door.
So there we were, a family of six bringing Christmas to a crack house. I didn't have a clue what to do. Do you give Christmas to a whole houseful of law-breaking drug addicts? Well, apparently you do. Scott told the kids to unload the sleigh, and there they went, sliding one box and bag at a time through the barely open back door. Scott did all the talking to the person inside the house. Nobody else said a word. Honestly, that stop went pretty quick. I was ready to get into our car, lock the doors, and get out of there. When we were on our way, I looked over at Scott like, Oh, my, what just happened? Loud enough for everybody to hear, he humbly offered, "Everybody needs Christmas."
No one in our car needed another sermon about what just happened. God had preached a sermon that would shape our souls. Everybody needs Christmas. Everybody needs the love of Christ. Everybody needs somebody to be Jesus to them.
We have to teach our children that no matter how much we have, there is always something we can share.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 27 Topic Meeting- Special Outreach Project- Please bring scissors with you!
Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided!
Monday, December 3 Ignyte's Women's Christmas Dinner at the Historic McFarland House beginning at 5:45 pm. Tickets are on sale for $20 each. Attire will be "Christmas Dressy."
Thursday, December 6 Meet at Jessica Brown's home at 10 AM for a fun time together. Each guest is asked to bring a soup to share with the recipe. Contact Jessica for directions. Children are welcomed.
Tuesday, December 11 Christmas Party- Join us for fun and fellowship at 10:30 AM at Bethel Assembly of God in the MACE building,gym. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.
Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided!
Monday, December 3 Ignyte's Women's Christmas Dinner at the Historic McFarland House beginning at 5:45 pm. Tickets are on sale for $20 each. Attire will be "Christmas Dressy."
Thursday, December 6 Meet at Jessica Brown's home at 10 AM for a fun time together. Each guest is asked to bring a soup to share with the recipe. Contact Jessica for directions. Children are welcomed.
Tuesday, December 11 Christmas Party- Join us for fun and fellowship at 10:30 AM at Bethel Assembly of God in the MACE building,gym. Lunch will be served. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Mom's Connection's mission and the NSA Awards
Mom's Connection is a ministry to nurture ALL
mothers; to reach out with
encouragement, friendship, and support; and to
enable each woman to be
all God created her to be. Our desire is
that Nobody Stands Alone.
To exemplify our mission of being a ministry
where Nobody Stands Alone,
a NSA Award, is given at each
meeting. Basically we want everyone in
our ministry on the same page about our goal.
We want everyone
connected and to form deep, meaningful
friendships with one another as
we grow together.
Through these awards we are not only encouraging
one another towards
goal, we are instilling in them that everything they do and say,
however small, does make a difference.
At every topic meeting you can nominate another
mom within our group
for the NSA Award. Make your
nominations in the container provided by
writing down the moms name and what they
did that made you feel you
were not alone. At the next topic meeting a
nominated mom will be chosen
for our NSA Award!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Childcare Opportunity
Mom's Connection is seeking childcare workers for their bi-monthly meetings every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 9:30-12 Noon beginning Sept.-Nov. and Jan.-May. Meetings are located at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV. A $15 gift card is given to each worker per meeting. Childcare rooms are infants ( 6 mo-18 mo), toddlers (18 mo-2), preschoolers (3-5 yrs), homeschoolers. Please specify availibility either 2nd, 4th, or both Tuesdays and child room preference. Background check is privately done through Bethel AG.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
If you are a mom attending MC and are willing to sign up to help when needed (no more than once a semester), please contact Tina Allamong, Childcare Director.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
If you are a mom attending MC and are willing to sign up to help when needed (no more than once a semester), please contact Tina Allamong, Childcare Director.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Our first topic meeting begins soon...
Mark your calenders for our first topic meeting of the fall, Tuesday, September 11 from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion and fun!
Meetings our held at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in the Heritage Chapel Room in the main building. Childcare is provided.
Please bring old/previously read magazines to this meeting to be used in a project.
Meetings our held at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in the Heritage Chapel Room in the main building. Childcare is provided.
Please bring old/previously read magazines to this meeting to be used in a project.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Open House
Please join us for Mom's Connection's Open House on Tuesday, August 28 between 10-11 AM at Bethel Assembly of God in the main building, in the Heritage Chapel room . During this time you will be able to do the following:
Our first topic meeting will be on Tuesday, September 11!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Family Night at Sweet Frog
Join us on Tuesday, July 17 at Sweet Frog in Martinsburg, WV for a family night out at 7pm. Bring your whole family out for a yummy dessert!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I Love Community Celebration!!!
"I Love Community Celebration!!!" on July 4th, 2012 beginning 5 pm at Bethel Assembly of God, 2010 Tavern Rd, Martinsburg, WV (down from the City Hospital).
Bring your family and some lawn chairs for some fun and relaxation!! There will be inflatables for all ages, pony rides, petting zoo, climbing wall, give-aways, face painting, balloon art, competitive events, eating contests, and fireworks to end the evening!!
All events are free for the whole family. Food vendors will be set up to provide food or you may bring your own.
Bring your family and some lawn chairs for some fun and relaxation!! There will be inflatables for all ages, pony rides, petting zoo, climbing wall, give-aways, face painting, balloon art, competitive events, eating contests, and fireworks to end the evening!!
All events are free for the whole family. Food vendors will be set up to provide food or you may bring your own.
Kid's Camps
Extreme Kids Camp held at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV from July 9-13, 2012 from 7-9 pm for ages 5-12 years of age. Bring your children to discover Pair O' Bulls- Earthly Stories with a Heavenly Meaning.
Potomac District Family Camp held at Potomac Park Camp, Falling Waters, WV from July 22-27, 2012. The morning sessions held Monday-Friday mornings is at 10 am and the evening sessions held Monday - Friday evenings at 7 pm. Activities are for all ages during all sessions for children, youth, and adults with nursery available.
Both camps available at no cost to you.
Potomac District Family Camp held at Potomac Park Camp, Falling Waters, WV from July 22-27, 2012. The morning sessions held Monday-Friday mornings is at 10 am and the evening sessions held Monday - Friday evenings at 7 pm. Activities are for all ages during all sessions for children, youth, and adults with nursery available.
Both camps available at no cost to you.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Our Craft Bazaar
Our Craft Bazaar, held last Saturday, was a great fundraiser for Mom's Connection. Thank you to Shelly Eldridge for all the hard work she put into this event! Thank you to the moms and the other vendors who purchased tables to showcase their goods! Pictured above are two of our moms who set up: Robin Coburn with her homemade cupcakes and Allison Adams with her homemade hair barrettes. We appreciate everyone who came out to support us!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Our Craft Bazaar
Join us at Mom's Connection's 1st Craft Bazaar on Saturday, June 16, 2012 from 9 am- 3 pm at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV right down by the City Hospital.
Tell your friends!!
Tell your friends!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Walk Daily With God
"Imagine in heaven God lovingly shows you His plan for
your earthly life. You see footprints walking through each day. On many days,
two sets of footprints appear." "You inquire "Father, are those my footprints
every day, and is the second set of prints when You joined me?" He answers, "No,
My precious child. The consistent footprints are Mine. "The second set of
footprints are when you joined Me." "Where were You going, Father?" "To the
destiny I planned for you, hoping you'd follow." "But, Father, where are my
footprints all those times?" "Sometimes you went back to look at old resentments
and habits. Sometimes, you departed from My path and chose your own instead.
Other times, your footprints can even be seen on another person's path because
you liked their plan better. At other times, you simply stopped because you
would not let go of something you could not take with you." "But even if I
didn't walk with You every day, we ended up OK, didn't we?" "He holds you close
and smiles, "Yes, child, we ended up OK. But, you see, OK was never what I had
in mind for you." "Father, what are those golden treasure boxes on certain
days?" "Blessings, My child, I had for you along the way. Those that are open
are those you received. Those still closed were days you did not walk with Me."
"Remember, walking consistently does not mean walking perfectly. It means we may stumble, but we will not fall!"
When we are intentional to walk with God daily on the path He has marked out for us, not only do we end up at our glorious destination, we receive the many blessings He has for us along the way.
Kim Ratcliffe
Excerpt from "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore
"Remember, walking consistently does not mean walking perfectly. It means we may stumble, but we will not fall!"
When we are intentional to walk with God daily on the path He has marked out for us, not only do we end up at our glorious destination, we receive the many blessings He has for us along the way.
Kim Ratcliffe
Excerpt from "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Our Summer Schedule
June 12 Clearbrook Park in Clearbrook, VA- Join us at 10:30 AM for lots of fun on the playground, fishing on the 3-acre lake, paved walking paths (for bikes/scooters), and picnic areas on a beautiful 55-acre park. Bring a packed lunch for your family and let's enjoy the day together! Rain date 6/19.
June 15 Baby Shower for Shelly Eldridge at 6:30 pm at Bethel A/G. Let's bless this mom!
June 16 Craft Bazaar at Bethel in the gym from 9 am - 2 pm. Come out and support our fundraiser and
participate in the silent auction.
June 26 Jay Dee's Family Fun Center in Inwood, WV- Join us for the water park at 12 Noon. The pricing is $7 per person with slides, $5 without which includes unlimited use of spray toys, slides, and splash pool.
Other activities are putt putt golf, nature zone, arcade, and jungle gym area each at individual pricing.
July 4 Independence Day Community Celebration at Bethel A/G- Food, activities, games and fireworks from 5-10 pm.
July 10 Pool Party at Allison Adam's house from 11 am - 2 pm. Bring a packed lunch for your family. For directions to Allison's house, contact Allison at allisonwadams@gmail.com.
July 17 Sweet Frog Fundraiser Night- Join us with your whole family for a sweet dessert and fundraiser between 5 -8 pm.
July 24 Morgan's Grove Park in Shepherdstown, WV beginning at 10:00 am. Bring a packed lunch for your family.
August 14 Pool Party at War Memorial Park Pool in Martinsburg, WV from 6:00-8:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. This event is for the whole family!
August 28 Welcome Back Open House for Moms between 10- 11 am at Bethel.- Come and see what we are planning for the fall. Pre-registration for mom and child(ren).
June 15 Baby Shower for Shelly Eldridge at 6:30 pm at Bethel A/G. Let's bless this mom!
June 16 Craft Bazaar at Bethel in the gym from 9 am - 2 pm. Come out and support our fundraiser and
participate in the silent auction.
June 26 Jay Dee's Family Fun Center in Inwood, WV- Join us for the water park at 12 Noon. The pricing is $7 per person with slides, $5 without which includes unlimited use of spray toys, slides, and splash pool.
Other activities are putt putt golf, nature zone, arcade, and jungle gym area each at individual pricing.
July 4 Independence Day Community Celebration at Bethel A/G- Food, activities, games and fireworks from 5-10 pm.
July 10 Pool Party at Allison Adam's house from 11 am - 2 pm. Bring a packed lunch for your family. For directions to Allison's house, contact Allison at allisonwadams@gmail.com.
July 17 Sweet Frog Fundraiser Night- Join us with your whole family for a sweet dessert and fundraiser between 5 -8 pm.
July 24 Morgan's Grove Park in Shepherdstown, WV beginning at 10:00 am. Bring a packed lunch for your family.
August 14 Pool Party at War Memorial Park Pool in Martinsburg, WV from 6:00-8:00 pm. Refreshments will be served. This event is for the whole family!
August 28 Welcome Back Open House for Moms between 10- 11 am at Bethel.- Come and see what we are planning for the fall. Pre-registration for mom and child(ren).
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Remember this Memorial Day
You are invited to Bethel's Picnic at Poor House Farm in Martinsburg, WV from 11am- 3pm. Main course and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish and dessert to share with others.
Freedom is Not Free
I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Freedom is Not Free
I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
The Gifts of Intuition
Have you ever said one of these phrases: “I knew I shouldn’t have done that" or “I knew that was going to happen.” You had this feeling and it was right. That is your intuition at work. But many times the reason we don’t know it until after the fact is because we explain it away. We don’t trust it. We much prefer logic, the grounded, the explainable, or the unemotional. We accept logic even when it’s wrong but deny intuition even when it’s right.
Can you imagine a beautiful gazelle on the plains of Africa, saying to itself, “it’s probably nothing” when seeing the lion moving slowly through the grass.
While discussing our God-given gift of intuition, I will be referencing the book “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin DeBecker. As believers, we know God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. And that is true! The fear the author is talking about is really our “intuition” which can be used to predict human behavior and therefore keep you from danger. I’m hoping through this you will come to recognize the survival signals your intuition tells you. After all the word “intuition” means “to guard, to protect”.
Because our intuition is always in response to something, rather than making a fast effort to explain it away or deny a possible hazard, we are wise if we make an effort to identify the hazard if it exists.
Our intuition is always right in at least two ways:
1. It is always in response to something.
2. It always has your best interest at heart.
However our interpretation of it is not always right.
Our intuition sends us messengers to get our attention. Below is a list of the “Messengers of Intuition” which are listed least to greatest:
The Messengers of Intuition
Nagging feelings
Persistent thoughts
Gut feelings
The intuitive signal of the highest order, the one with the greatest urgency is fear and it should always be listened to. By thinking about these signals you can learn how to communicate with yourself.
Messengers of intuition are warning signs that can help you avoid being a victim of violence but even if you make excellent predictions you might still find yourself in danger. If so, there is no right strategy for all situations but one: Listen to your intuition! Only you will know because you will have all the information to determine the best course of action.
These messengers of intuition help us most during stranger encounters. When we have people already in our lives, we look at behavior predictions to determine their course of action.
One powerful predictive tool is called “Rule of Opposites”. We can predict a future behavior based on favorable and non-favorable behaviors. As we grow up, we learn what is favorable behavior and what is not. This is harder for children because they are still learning. All types of behavioral predictions, not just those about danger, can be improved by applying the “Rule of Opposites”. Below are some examples:
Favorable Unfavorable
Does his job and no more Offers to help on unrelated tasks
Respectful of privacy Curious, asks many questions
Stands at an appropriate Stands too close
Waits to be escorted Walks around house freely
Keeps his comments to the Tries to get into discussions on
job at hand other topics; makes personal comments
Mindful of the time; works No concern about time; in no hurry to leave
Doesn’t care if others are Wants to know if others are home
Doesn’t care if others are Wants to know if others are expected
Doesn’t pay undue Stares at you
attention to you
Sometimes we confuse our intuition and worry. To oneself is a form of self-harassment. Worry is the fear we manufacture- it is not authentic.
To live free of fear yet still get it’s gift, there are three goals to strive for:
1. When you feel fear, listen
2. When you don’t feel fear, don’t manufacture it.
3. If you find yourself creating worry, explore and discover why.
When you honor accurate intuitive signals and evaluate them without denial, you need not be wary for you will come to trust that you’ll be notified if there is something worthy of your attention.
Trusting your intuition is the exact opposite of living in fear.
Lisa Fraley
Can you imagine a beautiful gazelle on the plains of Africa, saying to itself, “it’s probably nothing” when seeing the lion moving slowly through the grass.
While discussing our God-given gift of intuition, I will be referencing the book “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin DeBecker. As believers, we know God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. And that is true! The fear the author is talking about is really our “intuition” which can be used to predict human behavior and therefore keep you from danger. I’m hoping through this you will come to recognize the survival signals your intuition tells you. After all the word “intuition” means “to guard, to protect”.
Because our intuition is always in response to something, rather than making a fast effort to explain it away or deny a possible hazard, we are wise if we make an effort to identify the hazard if it exists.
Our intuition is always right in at least two ways:
1. It is always in response to something.
2. It always has your best interest at heart.
However our interpretation of it is not always right.
Our intuition sends us messengers to get our attention. Below is a list of the “Messengers of Intuition” which are listed least to greatest:
The Messengers of Intuition
Nagging feelings
Persistent thoughts
Gut feelings
The intuitive signal of the highest order, the one with the greatest urgency is fear and it should always be listened to. By thinking about these signals you can learn how to communicate with yourself.
Messengers of intuition are warning signs that can help you avoid being a victim of violence but even if you make excellent predictions you might still find yourself in danger. If so, there is no right strategy for all situations but one: Listen to your intuition! Only you will know because you will have all the information to determine the best course of action.
These messengers of intuition help us most during stranger encounters. When we have people already in our lives, we look at behavior predictions to determine their course of action.
One powerful predictive tool is called “Rule of Opposites”. We can predict a future behavior based on favorable and non-favorable behaviors. As we grow up, we learn what is favorable behavior and what is not. This is harder for children because they are still learning. All types of behavioral predictions, not just those about danger, can be improved by applying the “Rule of Opposites”. Below are some examples:
Favorable Unfavorable
Does his job and no more Offers to help on unrelated tasks
Respectful of privacy Curious, asks many questions
Stands at an appropriate Stands too close
Waits to be escorted Walks around house freely
Keeps his comments to the Tries to get into discussions on
job at hand other topics; makes personal comments
Mindful of the time; works No concern about time; in no hurry to leave
Doesn’t care if others are Wants to know if others are home
Doesn’t care if others are Wants to know if others are expected
Doesn’t pay undue Stares at you
attention to you
Sometimes we confuse our intuition and worry. To oneself is a form of self-harassment. Worry is the fear we manufacture- it is not authentic.
To live free of fear yet still get it’s gift, there are three goals to strive for:
1. When you feel fear, listen
2. When you don’t feel fear, don’t manufacture it.
3. If you find yourself creating worry, explore and discover why.
When you honor accurate intuitive signals and evaluate them without denial, you need not be wary for you will come to trust that you’ll be notified if there is something worthy of your attention.
Trusting your intuition is the exact opposite of living in fear.
Lisa Fraley
Our Last Topic Meeting
During our last topic meeting, we had a guest, Tim Clyde, from Clyde's Karate, who taught self-defense moves. We also had a special speaker, Lisa Fraley, who spoke on The Gifts of Intuition.
Thank you to Tim Clyde for joining us and giving all the moms a true work out. Everyone enjoyed themselves. If you are interested in karate classes for yourself or your children, you may contact Clyde's Karate at 304-229-6410 or check out the website at http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/karate/index.html.
A special thank you was given to Christy Shrom for stepping up in leadership as our Hospitality Coordinator for this past year. She really cared about all the moms and it showed through providing meals, reaching out to new moms, making moms feel welcomed during our meetings, and encouraging moms to pray for one another.
Sherry White was announced as our new Events Coordinator. Thank you Sherry for stepping up in leadership. For those interested, our Hospitality Coordinator position is still open. Please see Lisa Fraley for more details.
Thank you to Tim Clyde for joining us and giving all the moms a true work out. Everyone enjoyed themselves. If you are interested in karate classes for yourself or your children, you may contact Clyde's Karate at 304-229-6410 or check out the website at http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/karate/index.html.
A special thank you was given to Christy Shrom for stepping up in leadership as our Hospitality Coordinator for this past year. She really cared about all the moms and it showed through providing meals, reaching out to new moms, making moms feel welcomed during our meetings, and encouraging moms to pray for one another.
Sherry White was announced as our new Events Coordinator. Thank you Sherry for stepping up in leadership. For those interested, our Hospitality Coordinator position is still open. Please see Lisa Fraley for more details.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Baby Shower for Shelly Eldridge
Join us for food, games, and fun on Friday, June 15 at 6:30 pm at Bethel Assembly of God to celebrate with Shelly the upcoming birth of her baby boy!
View this invitation:
View this invitation:
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Family Summer Movies
During the summer you can watch movies free or for $1 at local theatres on weekday mornings at 10 am. Seating is limited on a first come basis.
Here is the listing for Martinsburg Stadium 10:
$1 per person
June 12, 13~ Journey 2 , Kit Kittredge: American Girl
June 19, 20 ~ Dolphin Tale, Happy Feet Two
July 3, 4~ Legends of the Guardian, Yogi Bear
July 10, 11 ~ Adventures of Tin Tin, Puss in Boots
July 17, 18 ~ Kung Foo Panda 2, Rango
July 24, 25~ Rio, Spy Kids: All the time
July 31, Aug. 1~ Chimpanzee, Hoodwinked Too
Aug. 7, 8~ Arthur Christmas, Smurfs
Here is the listing for Berkeley Plaza Theatre:
Free, available Monday-Wednesday
June 4,5,6 ~ Rio, Spy Kids 4, West side story
June 11,12,13~ Puss in Boots, Zookeeper, Grease
June 18,19,20 ~ Dairy of Wimpy Kid, Happy Feet 2, Grease 2
June 25,26,27~ Kung Fu Panda 2, Hugo, American Graffiti
July 2,3,4 Dolphins Tales, Hoodwinked too, Dirty Dancing
July 9,10,11~ Smurfs Movie, HOP, Hairspray
July 16,17,18~ Rango, Mr. Poppers Penguins, La Bamba
July 23,24,25~ Spongebob Square Pants Movie, Adventure of Tin Tin, Flash-dance
July 30,31,1~ Judy Moody, Mall cop, Willy Wonka
August 6,7,8~ Despicable me, Shrek Forever After, Vivalas Vagas
Aug 13,14,15~ Mega mind, Chip-wrecked, Footloose
Here is the listing for Martinsburg Stadium 10:
$1 per person
June 12, 13~ Journey 2 , Kit Kittredge: American Girl
June 19, 20 ~ Dolphin Tale, Happy Feet Two
July 3, 4~ Legends of the Guardian, Yogi Bear
July 10, 11 ~ Adventures of Tin Tin, Puss in Boots
July 17, 18 ~ Kung Foo Panda 2, Rango
July 24, 25~ Rio, Spy Kids: All the time
July 31, Aug. 1~ Chimpanzee, Hoodwinked Too
Aug. 7, 8~ Arthur Christmas, Smurfs
Here is the listing for Berkeley Plaza Theatre:
Free, available Monday-Wednesday
June 4,5,6 ~ Rio, Spy Kids 4, West side story
June 11,12,13~ Puss in Boots, Zookeeper, Grease
June 18,19,20 ~ Dairy of Wimpy Kid, Happy Feet 2, Grease 2
June 25,26,27~ Kung Fu Panda 2, Hugo, American Graffiti
July 2,3,4 Dolphins Tales, Hoodwinked too, Dirty Dancing
July 9,10,11~ Smurfs Movie, HOP, Hairspray
July 16,17,18~ Rango, Mr. Poppers Penguins, La Bamba
July 23,24,25~ Spongebob Square Pants Movie, Adventure of Tin Tin, Flash-dance
July 30,31,1~ Judy Moody, Mall cop, Willy Wonka
August 6,7,8~ Despicable me, Shrek Forever After, Vivalas Vagas
Aug 13,14,15~ Mega mind, Chip-wrecked, Footloose
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Mother's Are Precious Gifts
God knew we needed mothers
Whose tender, loving care
Would faithfully enfold us
In the warmth of daily prayer;
And on this day we thank God
For the gifts that mothers give
That strengthen and sustain us
And bless each day we live
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Open Gym Playdate
Tuesday, May 8, Open Gym Playdate- Join us from 11 am- 12 Noon at the Berkeley Recreation Center in Martinsburg, WV. It's for ALL ages.
The cost is for ages 18 months and older: $5 per child and $3 per sibling (no cost under 18 mo.).
Please RSVP with Amanda at Aeasunshine@gmail.com.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Events in May
Tuesday, May 1 Mother's Day Breakfast at the Purple Iris in Martinsburg, WV- This special breakfast is to bless moms with a delicious meal, guest speakers, and giveaways. Tickets were prepurchased for $15 each. Tickets are now sold out.
Tuesday, May 8 Topic Meeting Canceled due to Election Day
Tuesday, May 15 Mom's Game Night- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God, in the main building at 6 pm and bring an appetizer, dessert, or drink to share. A variety of games will be played during the evening.
Tuesday, May 22 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
Monday, May 28 Church Picnic- Everyone is invited to join us at Poorhouse Farm Park from 11 am- 3 pm. Please bring a covered dish and dessert to share. Meat and drinks will be provided. There will be various activities scheduled throughout the day. Let's enjoy the day together!
Tuesday, May 8 Topic Meeting Canceled due to Election Day
Tuesday, May 15 Mom's Game Night- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God, in the main building at 6 pm and bring an appetizer, dessert, or drink to share. A variety of games will be played during the evening.
Tuesday, May 22 Topic Meeting-Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
Monday, May 28 Church Picnic- Everyone is invited to join us at Poorhouse Farm Park from 11 am- 3 pm. Please bring a covered dish and dessert to share. Meat and drinks will be provided. There will be various activities scheduled throughout the day. Let's enjoy the day together!
Bags of Love:Real Children. Real Need. Real Blessing.
On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Diana Wall, the Program Coordinator of Bags of Love, One Hope Ministries International, spoke to Mom's Connection about this wonderful ministry. So many children in our own community are going hungry over the weekends and holiday breaks.
Deprived and waiting statistics:
Berkeley County, WV : 4,400 children are food deprived
Jefferson County, WV : 1.850 children are food deprived
In September 2010, the Bags of Love program was born, the first and original bagging program of its kind in the Eastern Panhandle. With this being just one of the many ministries provided, Bags of Love allows us to give back and strengthen our community through nutrition and support families in need.
Bags of Love volunteers collect donations that allow them to purchase suggested foods. They are then packed and delivered in bags to local schools. Teachers privately slip the bag into a select child's bookbag on Fridays, keeping the child's privacy a number one priority.
There are several ways you can get involved with Bags of Love:
1. Sponsor a school or a select number of children for an entire year.
2. Sponsor a single child- $20 a month is all it takes to feed a child for a month.
3. Donate any amount. They will combine with other donations to sponsor a child.
4. Help pack the bags on packing days.
5. Help deliver the bags on Thursdays to area schools.
6. Help spread the word about the ministry.
For more information or to get involved, contact bagsoflove@onehopeministriesinternational.org
PO Box 2751, Martinsburg, WV 25402, 304-261-4007
Deprived and waiting statistics:
Berkeley County, WV : 4,400 children are food deprived
Jefferson County, WV : 1.850 children are food deprived
In September 2010, the Bags of Love program was born, the first and original bagging program of its kind in the Eastern Panhandle. With this being just one of the many ministries provided, Bags of Love allows us to give back and strengthen our community through nutrition and support families in need.
Bags of Love volunteers collect donations that allow them to purchase suggested foods. They are then packed and delivered in bags to local schools. Teachers privately slip the bag into a select child's bookbag on Fridays, keeping the child's privacy a number one priority.
There are several ways you can get involved with Bags of Love:
1. Sponsor a school or a select number of children for an entire year.
2. Sponsor a single child- $20 a month is all it takes to feed a child for a month.
3. Donate any amount. They will combine with other donations to sponsor a child.
4. Help pack the bags on packing days.
5. Help deliver the bags on Thursdays to area schools.
6. Help spread the word about the ministry.
For more information or to get involved, contact bagsoflove@onehopeministriesinternational.org
PO Box 2751, Martinsburg, WV 25402, 304-261-4007
Saturday, April 21, 2012
God is...Powerful Sustainer!
"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17
The first words in the Bible are "In the beginning God." while we might not understand all the intricate details and secrets of life, we can hold on to this: God set the universe in motion and sustains it.
Are you going through a difficult situation in your life right now? Are there circumstances you cannot understand? Instead of trying to fix it or control it, rather than trying to figure out the what, when, where, and why of your struggle, focus instead on God your sustainer. Jesus, the friend who knows and cares for your every need, is also the Lord who directs the events of your life moment by moment-in love- to make you more like him.
Devotional from The Busy Mom's Bible
The first words in the Bible are "In the beginning God." while we might not understand all the intricate details and secrets of life, we can hold on to this: God set the universe in motion and sustains it.
Are you going through a difficult situation in your life right now? Are there circumstances you cannot understand? Instead of trying to fix it or control it, rather than trying to figure out the what, when, where, and why of your struggle, focus instead on God your sustainer. Jesus, the friend who knows and cares for your every need, is also the Lord who directs the events of your life moment by moment-in love- to make you more like him.
Devotional from The Busy Mom's Bible
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Baby Shower for Janessa and Sarah
Join us as we bless our friends Janessa and Sarah with a joint baby shower on Monday, April 23 at 6:30 pm at Bethel Assembly of God in the main building (our new meeting room). We will have some fun games, prizes, and food! It is sure to be fun!
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Power of Cheese
I believe cheese is what binds us together.
Little did I know that 2003 would bring enlightenment and possibility of cheese entering my life? Not just everyday, ordinary cheese but delicious and exciting creations with depths of flavor that burst upon your tongue and mouth. Each small piece a representation of the Cheesemaker who took milk and turned it into a wonderful palette pleasing sensation.
These cheeses are what bind together the common thread of society. As each cheese is different in taste, texture, feel, flavor, smell, consistency, sharpness and mildness they are still derived from a common element, milk. True, it may be sheep, goat, cow or buffalo but each final product began as a piece of grass or grain that was eaten and turned into milk. It’s that common beginning that brings us together to realize that each human on this planet is like a unique piece of cheese.
We are all formed by God, knowing that we are a blending of male and female, like adding enzymes to cheese to develop certain characteristics of flavor, style and body. We inherit traits from our mother and father, who passed on their traits from their mother and father and we build upon that to begin our life. Some children are raised with lots of attention, while others are given little. Some have blessing heaped upon them, while others are left to develop their own blessings through whatever comes their way. So it is with cheese, some wheels have been rubbed and smeared to give body and flavor, while others sit quietly in dark caves aging without any attention other than the occasional check for maturity. A few cheeses are blended with other cheeses to form a more diverse flavor or style, and left to develop to see where their transformation matures.
As you see we are like cheese, and it binds us together and we bind together for life. It takes time to develop cheese and to age it to maturity. Each style is unique and some take longer to age, as each child is unique and they never age at the same rate as another. Time, environment, and nurturing all play a part in who we are and what we become. Are we cheese that has been left on wooden planks to age in darkness and then given all the glory when we are brought out of darkness or are we a wheel of cheese that has been turned and rubbed with attention to bring out the flavor of life?
I believe in the power of cheese, and it’s ability to bind us together through thick and thin, giving us new tastes, textures and flavors. Take time to enjoy life and make the most of your uniqueness. Behold, the Power of Cheese!
Essay written by Scott Anderson, Assistant Director of Dining Services at Shepherd University
This essay was chosen to appear in the National "This I Believe" Website
Little did I know that 2003 would bring enlightenment and possibility of cheese entering my life? Not just everyday, ordinary cheese but delicious and exciting creations with depths of flavor that burst upon your tongue and mouth. Each small piece a representation of the Cheesemaker who took milk and turned it into a wonderful palette pleasing sensation.
These cheeses are what bind together the common thread of society. As each cheese is different in taste, texture, feel, flavor, smell, consistency, sharpness and mildness they are still derived from a common element, milk. True, it may be sheep, goat, cow or buffalo but each final product began as a piece of grass or grain that was eaten and turned into milk. It’s that common beginning that brings us together to realize that each human on this planet is like a unique piece of cheese.
We are all formed by God, knowing that we are a blending of male and female, like adding enzymes to cheese to develop certain characteristics of flavor, style and body. We inherit traits from our mother and father, who passed on their traits from their mother and father and we build upon that to begin our life. Some children are raised with lots of attention, while others are given little. Some have blessing heaped upon them, while others are left to develop their own blessings through whatever comes their way. So it is with cheese, some wheels have been rubbed and smeared to give body and flavor, while others sit quietly in dark caves aging without any attention other than the occasional check for maturity. A few cheeses are blended with other cheeses to form a more diverse flavor or style, and left to develop to see where their transformation matures.
As you see we are like cheese, and it binds us together and we bind together for life. It takes time to develop cheese and to age it to maturity. Each style is unique and some take longer to age, as each child is unique and they never age at the same rate as another. Time, environment, and nurturing all play a part in who we are and what we become. Are we cheese that has been left on wooden planks to age in darkness and then given all the glory when we are brought out of darkness or are we a wheel of cheese that has been turned and rubbed with attention to bring out the flavor of life?
I believe in the power of cheese, and it’s ability to bind us together through thick and thin, giving us new tastes, textures and flavors. Take time to enjoy life and make the most of your uniqueness. Behold, the Power of Cheese!
Essay written by Scott Anderson, Assistant Director of Dining Services at Shepherd University
This essay was chosen to appear in the National "This I Believe" Website
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Tuesday's Meeting Canceled
Topic Meeting on Tuesday, April 10 is canceled due to Spring Break in the surrounding counties! Please contact a friend in Mom's Connection for a playdate this week!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Celebrate Easter- You are invited...
Easter 'Egg'stravaganza- Saturday, April 7, 2012 from 10 am- 12 Noon at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the Mace building gym (large activities building behind church) for children ages 0-10. Join us for a fun morning of games, crafts, a snack, the Easter Story, pictures with the Easter bunny, and an egg hunt!
The Thorn Easter Experience- Sunday, April 8, 2012 at two service times 9 am or 10:30 am at Bethel Assembly of God in the main sanctuary. Experience an Epic story of love, sacrifice, and hope!
Easter--It's the greatest story ever told, and this year at Bethel it comes to life with The Thorn Easter Experience. Through music, drama, video, and a heart-lifting message you will experience the power and compassion of Jesus' life, the pain of His crucifixion, and the triumph of His resurrection. It's an Easter service like no other!
The Thorn Easter Experience- Sunday, April 8, 2012 at two service times 9 am or 10:30 am at Bethel Assembly of God in the main sanctuary. Experience an Epic story of love, sacrifice, and hope!
Easter--It's the greatest story ever told, and this year at Bethel it comes to life with The Thorn Easter Experience. Through music, drama, video, and a heart-lifting message you will experience the power and compassion of Jesus' life, the pain of His crucifixion, and the triumph of His resurrection. It's an Easter service like no other!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Mom's Connection's Open House
Join us for an Open House on Tuesday, April 3 between 10-11 AM at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV to get to know a few members of Mom's Connection.
If you have not been to a meeting before, please come and check us out! No commitment, no long meeting-just a chance to meet us. We want to answer any questions and get to know you better!
Refreshments will be served and we will do an activity with your children.
The Children's Closet will be opened for you to come and shop for any children's clothes for free. We will also be accepting donations of spring/summer clothes.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net. We look forward to meeting you!
If you have not been to a meeting before, please come and check us out! No commitment, no long meeting-just a chance to meet us. We want to answer any questions and get to know you better!
Refreshments will be served and we will do an activity with your children.
The Children's Closet will be opened for you to come and shop for any children's clothes for free. We will also be accepting donations of spring/summer clothes.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net. We look forward to meeting you!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mom's Connection at the Mall
Today's event at The Children's Day at the Martinsburg Mall was a great success! We gave out 375 flyers inviting moms to our meetings, activities, and our Children's Closet. Each flyer was in a purple bag given out as well to help moms carry all their children's crafts. We also made pirate flags with tons of children!
Thank you to the moms who came out and supported us by working tirelessly making pirate flags and handing out flyers! You are awesome!!!
Friday, March 30, 2012
The Children's Day at the Martinsburg Mall
The Children's Day at the Mall on Saturday, March 31 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Martinsburg Mall in Martinsburg, WV. This year's theme is Pirate Party! There will be many hands-on activities for young children as well as puppet shows, face painting, inflatables, and much more.
Come out and look for Mom's Connection! We will be making pirate flags with the children and giving out lollipops! We will also be giving out bags to parents to help them carry all the crafts their children will be making!
Come out and look for Mom's Connection! We will be making pirate flags with the children and giving out lollipops! We will also be giving out bags to parents to help them carry all the crafts their children will be making!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis
Great Strides is Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest and most successful national fundraising event. It's taking place on Saturday, May 20, 2012 in Old Town Winchester, VA. If you would like to contribute to this walk, you may go to this fundraising link:
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a devastating genetic disease that affects tens of thousands of children and young adults in the United States. Research and care supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is making a huge difference in extending the quality of life for those with CF. However, we continue to lose precious lives to CF everyday. That's why your help is needed now more than ever to ensure that a cure is found sooner-rather than later. To learn more about CF and CF Foundations, visit www.cff.org.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a devastating genetic disease that affects tens of thousands of children and young adults in the United States. Research and care supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is making a huge difference in extending the quality of life for those with CF. However, we continue to lose precious lives to CF everyday. That's why your help is needed now more than ever to ensure that a cure is found sooner-rather than later. To learn more about CF and CF Foundations, visit www.cff.org.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Special Events Coming Soon!
Jewelry-making class at Michael's on Tuesday, March 20 in Martinsburg, WV from 6-8 pm. You will be making a memory wire bracelet. Pizza will be served. Please bring a drink and/or dessert to share. The cost for this event is $10 in cash please!
This is for moms only but of course you can invite a friend as long as you both RSVP by this Friday by contacting Amanda Dagostino by email at Aeasunshine@gmail.com or call at 540-849-9092.
The Children's Day at the Mall is on Saturday, March 31 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Martinsburg Mall. For the last two years we have participated in this event by making a craft with the children that come. We also have the opportunity to invite moms to join us! Your kids are sure to have a blast with puppet shows, crafts, face painting, inflatables, and much more.
Please plan to bring your children out and sign up to help run Mom's Connection's table! The time slots for helping are broken up into three categories and they are 9:30-11:30 am set up; 11:30 am -1:30 pm; 1:30 - 3:30 pm clean up. It's very important for us to have volunteers and to show up if you commit because some of us will need a break for lunch and to take our kids around.
This is an opportunity to give back to the community. Bring your children so they see mommy serving others and being a blessing to other children and moms. Let's lead them by example.
Bethel's 'Egg'stavaganza on Saturday, April 7 beginning at 10 am at Bethel Assembly of God in the gym. Children ages 0-10 join us for a fun morning of games, crafts, a snack, the Easter story, pictures with the easter bunny, and an egg hunt!
Our Mother's Day Breakfast on Tuesday, May 1 at the Purple Iris in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45-11:45 AM. We will enjoy a full breakfast buffet of Scrambled eggs with fresh herbs, herb and onion potatoes, bacon, sausage, french toast, assorted breakfast pastries, fresh fruits, and beverages of juices, coffee, tea, ice water. We will have some giveaways and several wonderful guest speakers.
Childcare will be available at Bethel from 9:30-11:45 am. In order to use our childcare, you must have filled out a childcare registration form for your children. Contact Tina Allamong at hbic1981@yahoo.com to be sure. Babies are welcome to join you.
Tickets will go on sale at our next topic meeting. The cost per ticket will be $15. You may pay in cash or write checks payable to Bethel Assembly of God. Please invite a special someone (sister, mother) to join you however each must have a pre-purchased ticket. Please see Amanda Dagostino to purchase your ticket. As always if you would like to purchase a ticket for a mom who you know struggles financially or for someone special in the group, you may do so by letting Amanda know.
This is for moms only but of course you can invite a friend as long as you both RSVP by this Friday by contacting Amanda Dagostino by email at Aeasunshine@gmail.com or call at 540-849-9092.
The Children's Day at the Mall is on Saturday, March 31 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Martinsburg Mall. For the last two years we have participated in this event by making a craft with the children that come. We also have the opportunity to invite moms to join us! Your kids are sure to have a blast with puppet shows, crafts, face painting, inflatables, and much more.
Please plan to bring your children out and sign up to help run Mom's Connection's table! The time slots for helping are broken up into three categories and they are 9:30-11:30 am set up; 11:30 am -1:30 pm; 1:30 - 3:30 pm clean up. It's very important for us to have volunteers and to show up if you commit because some of us will need a break for lunch and to take our kids around.
This is an opportunity to give back to the community. Bring your children so they see mommy serving others and being a blessing to other children and moms. Let's lead them by example.
Bethel's 'Egg'stavaganza on Saturday, April 7 beginning at 10 am at Bethel Assembly of God in the gym. Children ages 0-10 join us for a fun morning of games, crafts, a snack, the Easter story, pictures with the easter bunny, and an egg hunt!
Our Mother's Day Breakfast on Tuesday, May 1 at the Purple Iris in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45-11:45 AM. We will enjoy a full breakfast buffet of Scrambled eggs with fresh herbs, herb and onion potatoes, bacon, sausage, french toast, assorted breakfast pastries, fresh fruits, and beverages of juices, coffee, tea, ice water. We will have some giveaways and several wonderful guest speakers.
Childcare will be available at Bethel from 9:30-11:45 am. In order to use our childcare, you must have filled out a childcare registration form for your children. Contact Tina Allamong at hbic1981@yahoo.com to be sure. Babies are welcome to join you.
Tickets will go on sale at our next topic meeting. The cost per ticket will be $15. You may pay in cash or write checks payable to Bethel Assembly of God. Please invite a special someone (sister, mother) to join you however each must have a pre-purchased ticket. Please see Amanda Dagostino to purchase your ticket. As always if you would like to purchase a ticket for a mom who you know struggles financially or for someone special in the group, you may do so by letting Amanda know.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Fuel of Life
As mothers and wives we are going in many different
directions every day. We have a list of
things that need to get done. When you
add other responsibilities on top like a job, a ministry, or a volunteer
project, we can find ourselves tinkering out.
If I looked under the hood of your soul today, what would I
see: a well oiled running engine or would smoke come bellowing out as soon as
the hood was lifted up?
Just as food and water is the fuel our physical body needs
to keep running, there is a fuel that our souls need as well. This “fuel” is what drives us. It gets us from here to there in life. It’s our energy or purpose.
There are many places we can get this “fuel”. We can create it ourselves. Some of us have been blessed with a high-energy, multi-functioning ability, and an unyielding drive. We can derive fuel from others. Their approval or involvement can spur us
on. Finally, we can use our
circumstances. When outside forces line
up just as we think they should, we feel motivated to keep moving forward. But the problem with all those sources of
fuel is they are for short trips. And
we know we have further to go.
There is only one true source of fuel that never runs out
and it’s of the highest quality. This
fuel comes from God himself. We don’t
have to rely on the fickleness of public opinion, our ever-changing mood, or
our circumstances. However, we do need
to get a fill up!
Many times we go to the “gas station” to fill up but leave
still on empty. We get distracted on
why we’re really there. Jesus told
Martha in Luke 10:41-42 “you are worried and upset about many things, but only
one thing is needed.” That “one thing”
was sitting at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. Mary wasn’t talking. She was listening. When we listen we give God a chance to tell us His will for our
lives. He says, “don’t give up”
(Galations 6:9), “be strong and courageous for I am with you” (Joshua 1:9) and
“I love you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). He refocuses our eyes on him. He becomes our fuel.
However, there are times when we are empty, running on
fumes, and don’t even know it. We
ignore the signs of exhaustion, mission drift (being off course from our main
purpose), and confusion in God’s will for us.
It’s when we are running on fumes that we have the greatest chance of
giving up. Life doesn’t seem to be
coming together and we don’t know what’s wrong. Whenever we begin to feel this way, we need to recognize it and
ask God to refresh us again (Acts 3:19).
We read God’s Word and remember His promise to us. We tell the God stories of our lives to
build our faith, refocus us on our purpose, and remind us His amazing
power. God has begun a good work in you
and he wants to carry it on to completion (Philippians 1:6).
Do you need a fill up today?
Friday, March 2, 2012
Overflowing Blessing
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full---pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38
Use exact measurements." That's what my recipe card says. Emphasis on the word "exact". I was given a list of instructions by a friend who not only shared her technique for baking the best bread I've ever tasted but also a jar of bread "starter" for me to keep in the refrigerator. Now I had the chance to see if I could match her abilities. To amaze my family with homemade bread. That kind of homemade bread. Like hers.
Once a week I go to the refrigerator and pull out the starter---a bubbling liquid concoction that serves as the foundation for this fabulous bread. Then I unfold the tattered piece of paper she gave me, and I carefully follow the written guidelines. These are extremely important, she told me. Boy, was she ever right.
This bread is moody. It has a bit of an attitude problem. You're never quite sure what sets it off, but one little bobble in the preparation process can keep the dough from rising properly or baking to a perfectly golden brown. You have to be careful.
As time has gone along, my kids have begun to help me with this, pulling their stools over to the counter, eager to dirty their hands in the kneading process. But before kneading, the flour must be added. Six cups, to be exact. And "exact" those scoops must be. I can now entrust this step into the hands of my six year old, who's seen with his own eyes the kind of mood swings a loaf can exhibit when fed with too much or too little flour. He's gotten this down to a science-----a Luke 6:38 science: "a good measure---pressed down, shaken together." He reaches the utensil down into the airtight flour bin and collects "a good measure."
Nothing skimpy about the serving he's gathered. Thankfully he's still holding the measuring cup over the container because flour is spilling from the sides of the scoop. But knowing the need for just the right amount to be added to the ingredients, which are already poured and waiting in a nearby bowl, his tiny fingers secure a good grasp on the handle, and he gently "shakes" the cup.
I've explained to him that this shaking action eliminates the air pockets that can form underneath, occupying space that can still be filled with flour. By shaking it enough, he can be sure that every square inch of measuring cup is being used for his purpose. Finally he puts his other hand on top of the mound and pats gently to make sure it is "pressed down". Inevitably he finds that the cup can now hold more than before. So he continues to add flour, leveling it off until he determines it's as full as possible. Then he pours the scoop into the mixing bowl. Six times he does this. Scoop, shake, press down. Scoop, shake, press down.
There's only one part of the biblical directions his illustration is lacking. And it's the part that compels us to choose contentment over discontentment every day: "a good measure----pressed down, shaken together, and running over". It appears there's nothing exact about God's recipe of return to us. His gifts are overflowing. He's not stingy with His goodness or ungenerous with His supply. When you choose to give, He promises you'll have enough---more than you think---filling you back up with even more than you had to begin with. Not just a good measure, not just one that's pressed down and shaken together---not even one that's fair, equal to what you deserve---but one that is brimming over, unable to be contained by its recipient.
Now, by no means am I suggesting that you should always and without question give of yourself at the expense of the relationships and purposes that should be prioritized in your life. Sometimes the best, most empowering word you can learn to utter is no. But on those occasions when you feel genuinely led by God to give, you needn't be worried about what appears to be a dwindling amount of personal resources to suit the task. If He has endorsed your involvement, you can proceed with complete contentment and willingness, knowing He will always give back far more than you ever expended. The contented woman, when required to give of her time, her love, her resources...herself....is secure in the knowledge that she possesses enough to do it. And she looks forward to experiencing the promise of an outlandish return on her investment.
I can imagine what you may be thinking because I've thought it too...
--My energy level is so low.
--My "love tank" is running so close to empty, I'm sure I'm about to stall.
--It's only Tuesday, but my patience quota has already been used up for the week.
--My wallet is even emptier than I remember, and my financial needs aren't going away.
Yet just when you feel as though you're completely void of anything worthwhile to offer, or when your situation makes you feel justified in not being the one to participate, you'll often hear Him whispering..."Give, and it will be given to you".
And when He scoops up the dividends that He'll be sending back your way He, won't be short and scanty about it. He won't skim off the excess or be bound by an exact measurement. He will supply you a portion that is abundantly good and beyond what is warranted. He'll shake and press, shake and press, to make sure no pockets of air are taking up space reserved for His blessing. And then He'll pile up His favor and grace into such a rounded heap that it will spill off the sides, more than you can hold. Your hands and heart will try to grasp every morsel that falls from your full container, but there will be too much coming, far too fast.
Good thing you've got a lap. For on it will fall the abundance you cannot gather any other way, the surplus for which there is no more space. And it just keeps coming and coming.This is the reward for the woman resolved to contentment.
So "give, and it will be given to you; a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over----will be poured into you lap".
So make the resolution---the resolution to be content. Then look toward heaven with holy anticipation, and sit with your long skirt gathered up in folds and draped loosely across your lap, prepared to catch the overflow in the welcome pockets of room you've created. Live this moment. Pour yourself out. Drain the experience of each precious day. And be prepared for God's overflowing blessing.
Overflowing Blessing, The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer
Use exact measurements." That's what my recipe card says. Emphasis on the word "exact". I was given a list of instructions by a friend who not only shared her technique for baking the best bread I've ever tasted but also a jar of bread "starter" for me to keep in the refrigerator. Now I had the chance to see if I could match her abilities. To amaze my family with homemade bread. That kind of homemade bread. Like hers.
Once a week I go to the refrigerator and pull out the starter---a bubbling liquid concoction that serves as the foundation for this fabulous bread. Then I unfold the tattered piece of paper she gave me, and I carefully follow the written guidelines. These are extremely important, she told me. Boy, was she ever right.
This bread is moody. It has a bit of an attitude problem. You're never quite sure what sets it off, but one little bobble in the preparation process can keep the dough from rising properly or baking to a perfectly golden brown. You have to be careful.
As time has gone along, my kids have begun to help me with this, pulling their stools over to the counter, eager to dirty their hands in the kneading process. But before kneading, the flour must be added. Six cups, to be exact. And "exact" those scoops must be. I can now entrust this step into the hands of my six year old, who's seen with his own eyes the kind of mood swings a loaf can exhibit when fed with too much or too little flour. He's gotten this down to a science-----a Luke 6:38 science: "a good measure---pressed down, shaken together." He reaches the utensil down into the airtight flour bin and collects "a good measure."
Nothing skimpy about the serving he's gathered. Thankfully he's still holding the measuring cup over the container because flour is spilling from the sides of the scoop. But knowing the need for just the right amount to be added to the ingredients, which are already poured and waiting in a nearby bowl, his tiny fingers secure a good grasp on the handle, and he gently "shakes" the cup.
I've explained to him that this shaking action eliminates the air pockets that can form underneath, occupying space that can still be filled with flour. By shaking it enough, he can be sure that every square inch of measuring cup is being used for his purpose. Finally he puts his other hand on top of the mound and pats gently to make sure it is "pressed down". Inevitably he finds that the cup can now hold more than before. So he continues to add flour, leveling it off until he determines it's as full as possible. Then he pours the scoop into the mixing bowl. Six times he does this. Scoop, shake, press down. Scoop, shake, press down.
There's only one part of the biblical directions his illustration is lacking. And it's the part that compels us to choose contentment over discontentment every day: "a good measure----pressed down, shaken together, and running over". It appears there's nothing exact about God's recipe of return to us. His gifts are overflowing. He's not stingy with His goodness or ungenerous with His supply. When you choose to give, He promises you'll have enough---more than you think---filling you back up with even more than you had to begin with. Not just a good measure, not just one that's pressed down and shaken together---not even one that's fair, equal to what you deserve---but one that is brimming over, unable to be contained by its recipient.
Now, by no means am I suggesting that you should always and without question give of yourself at the expense of the relationships and purposes that should be prioritized in your life. Sometimes the best, most empowering word you can learn to utter is no. But on those occasions when you feel genuinely led by God to give, you needn't be worried about what appears to be a dwindling amount of personal resources to suit the task. If He has endorsed your involvement, you can proceed with complete contentment and willingness, knowing He will always give back far more than you ever expended. The contented woman, when required to give of her time, her love, her resources...herself....is secure in the knowledge that she possesses enough to do it. And she looks forward to experiencing the promise of an outlandish return on her investment.
I can imagine what you may be thinking because I've thought it too...
--My energy level is so low.
--My "love tank" is running so close to empty, I'm sure I'm about to stall.
--It's only Tuesday, but my patience quota has already been used up for the week.
--My wallet is even emptier than I remember, and my financial needs aren't going away.
Yet just when you feel as though you're completely void of anything worthwhile to offer, or when your situation makes you feel justified in not being the one to participate, you'll often hear Him whispering..."Give, and it will be given to you".
And when He scoops up the dividends that He'll be sending back your way He, won't be short and scanty about it. He won't skim off the excess or be bound by an exact measurement. He will supply you a portion that is abundantly good and beyond what is warranted. He'll shake and press, shake and press, to make sure no pockets of air are taking up space reserved for His blessing. And then He'll pile up His favor and grace into such a rounded heap that it will spill off the sides, more than you can hold. Your hands and heart will try to grasp every morsel that falls from your full container, but there will be too much coming, far too fast.
Good thing you've got a lap. For on it will fall the abundance you cannot gather any other way, the surplus for which there is no more space. And it just keeps coming and coming.This is the reward for the woman resolved to contentment.
So "give, and it will be given to you; a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over----will be poured into you lap".
So make the resolution---the resolution to be content. Then look toward heaven with holy anticipation, and sit with your long skirt gathered up in folds and draped loosely across your lap, prepared to catch the overflow in the welcome pockets of room you've created. Live this moment. Pour yourself out. Drain the experience of each precious day. And be prepared for God's overflowing blessing.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Opening for Today's Meeting
Have you ever heard the old saying “If you keep making that face, it might stay that way”? You might remember your mom saying that to you, as I do or you might say that to your children now. There is some truth in that old saying. Have you ever thought what you would look like if you pouted too much, wrinkled your brow too many times, or pressed your lips together.
My mother tells me not to press my lips together because I’ll get a ton of little vertical lines running across my mouth. She has them which is why she’s warning me. So I try to control the faces I make when I’m annoyed or angry. I try to remember, as best I can, to control it. But it’s hard. The truth is what face I make on the outside is really only a reflection on how I’m feeling on the inside. How am I feeling about myself? Am I tired, worried, busy, or annoyed? These feelings get written all over my face.
The Bible says,“A glad heart makes a cheerful face” Proverbs 15:13 and “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22
It’s too hard to control the expressions on our face because it’s just showing what’s going on deeper into who we are. But we can start changing how we react to situations internally. We can cast all our cares on God because He cares for us. With God’s help, we can have a cheerful heart which will be reflected all over our face.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ladies Worship Night
You are invited to a Ladies Praise and Worship Night on Monday, February 27 from 7-8:15 pm at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in the main sanctuary. Childcare will be provided for all ages. This event is hosted by Ignyte Women's Ministry at Bethel.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Opening for Topic Meeting
Last time we met
several moms shared what kind of old woman they would like to become. They spoke of having joy in tough
situations, kindness in relating to others, faithfulness to God, and showing
love to family and lets not forget looking good and dressing stylish.
Like these
moms, I want to be all these things as well.
qualities that were talked about are the Fruit of
Spirit. The Bible says in Galations
5:22-23, “But the fruit of
the spirit is love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and
We can try
to develop these qualities in our own strength but it
will be more difficult and less of a
success rate. Or we can spend
time in the presence of God where God
produces these qualities
in us.
When He does it, it produces lasting fruit that will last to
old age.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Kimberly's Miracle
Most of my closest friends know this, but it just makes me feel so good to tell of God's amazing grace and miracles.
Brayden "Kade" Morgan was born February 19, 2010 after a very difficult pregnancy. Early on in my pregnancy, the sonographer couldn't find where the umbilical cord entered the placenta. In fact, I had to go back for a third sonogram because of this exact issue. After the third sonogram, I assumed she had found where it entered, because I heard nothing else from her.
I went on bed rest at 28 weeks. I couldn't even get out of bed to eat without my blood pressure shooting into the "stroke" zone. Scott was working all night, coming home for a few hours of sleep while my Mama took care of Britton until Scott woke up, so she could go home to work until she had to return to my house at night...and so on....
I had preeclampsia. At 36 weeks, my body was fighting the baby off as if it were a foreign invader. It couldn't take the pregnancy any longer... SO Dr. Malmborg decided to induce. My water didn't break, so he attempted to break it. He wasn't able to due to severe pain....so he said "let's get your epidural and try again". I was completely happy with that decision!
NOTHING but God's precious hands protecting Kade can explain why he wasn't killed when the doctor tried to break my water
My labor went on, I had an epidural. I had contractions. The doctor broke my water... again, God was holding my sweet baby in his hands. I gave birth... to a miracle. The baby came faster than the doctor could get to the hospital. He walked in about 2 minutes after I gave birth so the nurse delivered him. When I delivered the placenta he said, "this is a miracle"..."did the baby go into distress?" At that point he left me and went straight to the baby and did a thorough look over. Kade was perfect.
The doctor told us in his 42 years of delivering babies, he'd only seen one other case of Vasa Previa and the baby didn't survive.He told me had I not got sick and put on bed rest, Kade most likely would not have survived labor at full term. I am forever thankful God made me sick!!!
I was really the talk of the maternity ward! All these nurses and doctors came to see my placenta! Ha ha! They sent it off to use it for research, and I am so glad we had a story of success!
Vasa Previa is a condition that all the blood vessels that should be inside the placenta, are outside - exposed - of the placenta. If the vessels are hit hard, scratched by the baby's nails, have a lot of pressure on them.... the baby will drown in his/her own blood.....
Check out the stats: http://www.vasaprevia.org/
1 in 25 babies SURVIVE Vasa Previa.
Especially RARE condition on top of that.
Diagnosed conditions require mandatory c section at 34 weeks.Most babies with Vasa Previa that are delivered vaginally die within hours or a few days.
This is Kimberly Morgan's testimony of her miracle baby, Kade!
Brayden "Kade" Morgan was born February 19, 2010 after a very difficult pregnancy. Early on in my pregnancy, the sonographer couldn't find where the umbilical cord entered the placenta. In fact, I had to go back for a third sonogram because of this exact issue. After the third sonogram, I assumed she had found where it entered, because I heard nothing else from her.
I went on bed rest at 28 weeks. I couldn't even get out of bed to eat without my blood pressure shooting into the "stroke" zone. Scott was working all night, coming home for a few hours of sleep while my Mama took care of Britton until Scott woke up, so she could go home to work until she had to return to my house at night...and so on....
I had preeclampsia. At 36 weeks, my body was fighting the baby off as if it were a foreign invader. It couldn't take the pregnancy any longer... SO Dr. Malmborg decided to induce. My water didn't break, so he attempted to break it. He wasn't able to due to severe pain....so he said "let's get your epidural and try again". I was completely happy with that decision!
NOTHING but God's precious hands protecting Kade can explain why he wasn't killed when the doctor tried to break my water
My labor went on, I had an epidural. I had contractions. The doctor broke my water... again, God was holding my sweet baby in his hands. I gave birth... to a miracle. The baby came faster than the doctor could get to the hospital. He walked in about 2 minutes after I gave birth so the nurse delivered him. When I delivered the placenta he said, "this is a miracle"..."did the baby go into distress?" At that point he left me and went straight to the baby and did a thorough look over. Kade was perfect.
The doctor told us in his 42 years of delivering babies, he'd only seen one other case of Vasa Previa and the baby didn't survive.He told me had I not got sick and put on bed rest, Kade most likely would not have survived labor at full term. I am forever thankful God made me sick!!!
I was really the talk of the maternity ward! All these nurses and doctors came to see my placenta! Ha ha! They sent it off to use it for research, and I am so glad we had a story of success!
Vasa Previa is a condition that all the blood vessels that should be inside the placenta, are outside - exposed - of the placenta. If the vessels are hit hard, scratched by the baby's nails, have a lot of pressure on them.... the baby will drown in his/her own blood.....
Check out the stats: http://www.vasaprevia.org/
1 in 25 babies SURVIVE Vasa Previa.
Especially RARE condition on top of that.
Diagnosed conditions require mandatory c section at 34 weeks.Most babies with Vasa Previa that are delivered vaginally die within hours or a few days.
This is Kimberly Morgan's testimony of her miracle baby, Kade!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Children's Book Review
Recently my daughter came home with a book her teacher recommended because she knows she loves to read. My husband read the cover and became concerned because the book contained disturbing scenes and violent content. After looking into it further and reading the reviews we decided that this was not a book she should be reading. We explained our feelings to her and why we felt this was not a book that would be good for her based on our Christian values and her personal needs.
As mother's, I know, we are all concerned about what our children read, watch on TV, play video games and so on. There are many good resources to help us make decisions for our children based on Christian values and their individual needs, temperament, and understanding. The Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 urges us to "Test everything, hold onto the good. Avoid every kind of evil."
The book I am referring to is called The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. This book is aimed at children and young adults 13-18. Many of the books written for this age group tend to be very dark in nature. I am sharing the following link so that you are informed about just one of the books out there that your children may find in their school library or classroom. This provides info about the book and suggestions on life lessons you can teach them if they have read the book.
Kim Ratcliffe
Here is the link for Focus on the Family review of the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins:
Summary of review: In this tale of 24 teenagers forced to kill each other, readers follow a number of gruesome, bloody and otherwise disturbing scenes. One tribute murders another by snapping his neck. Other tributes are killed by spears, arrows, blows to the head with rocks and the stings of mutated yellow jackets. Wounds ooze blood and puss, and the wounded smell festering flesh. One of the final tributes is mauled by a pack of rabid dog-like creatures for hours before he dies. Katniss also mentions how, in previous games, tributes were killed by venomous snakes, went insane from thirst or froze to death. One previous contestant tried to eat the tributes he'd killed, but the Gamemakers stopped this because it didn't play well with the audience. Leaders in the Capitol cut out the tongues of those who disobey them.
As mother's, I know, we are all concerned about what our children read, watch on TV, play video games and so on. There are many good resources to help us make decisions for our children based on Christian values and their individual needs, temperament, and understanding. The Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 urges us to "Test everything, hold onto the good. Avoid every kind of evil."
The book I am referring to is called The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. This book is aimed at children and young adults 13-18. Many of the books written for this age group tend to be very dark in nature. I am sharing the following link so that you are informed about just one of the books out there that your children may find in their school library or classroom. This provides info about the book and suggestions on life lessons you can teach them if they have read the book.
Kim Ratcliffe
Here is the link for Focus on the Family review of the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins:
Summary of review: In this tale of 24 teenagers forced to kill each other, readers follow a number of gruesome, bloody and otherwise disturbing scenes. One tribute murders another by snapping his neck. Other tributes are killed by spears, arrows, blows to the head with rocks and the stings of mutated yellow jackets. Wounds ooze blood and puss, and the wounded smell festering flesh. One of the final tributes is mauled by a pack of rabid dog-like creatures for hours before he dies. Katniss also mentions how, in previous games, tributes were killed by venomous snakes, went insane from thirst or froze to death. One previous contestant tried to eat the tributes he'd killed, but the Gamemakers stopped this because it didn't play well with the audience. Leaders in the Capitol cut out the tongues of those who disobey them.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Choosing Your Path
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust and obey-these two words go together like coffee and cream. Yet every day we face difficult situations that seem to defy simple solutions. As women, myriad difficult choices face us-the right course of care for a sick child, moving from everything familiar for a new opportunity, following God's leading even when the outcome is hazy, even when the right choice frightens us. You may toss and turn for nights without finding peace in your choice. How do you determine the right choice? Obey the guidance you find in God's Word, earnestly pray and seek trusted counsel, then trust God with the outcome.
Reflect & Pray: What hard choice is confronting you today? What factors make your decision difficult? How is God asking you to trust him in this situation?
Read Proverbs 3:1-35
Devotional from The Busy Mom's Bible
Trust and obey-these two words go together like coffee and cream. Yet every day we face difficult situations that seem to defy simple solutions. As women, myriad difficult choices face us-the right course of care for a sick child, moving from everything familiar for a new opportunity, following God's leading even when the outcome is hazy, even when the right choice frightens us. You may toss and turn for nights without finding peace in your choice. How do you determine the right choice? Obey the guidance you find in God's Word, earnestly pray and seek trusted counsel, then trust God with the outcome.
Reflect & Pray: What hard choice is confronting you today? What factors make your decision difficult? How is God asking you to trust him in this situation?
Read Proverbs 3:1-35
Devotional from The Busy Mom's Bible
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Bethel's Refuel Services
Join us for Bethel's Refuel Services on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in the main sanctuary. A great series is beginning on the book of Judges taught by Rev. Ralph Campbell.
Also available are classes for children of all ages: Nursery (under 2); Sunlight Kids (2 years old); Rainbows (3 & 4 years old); Mpact Girls Club (K-High School); and Royal Rangers for boys (K-High School).
Friday, January 27, 2012
Beautiful Baby Girl
Congratulations to Robin Coburn on the birth of her baby girl, Eden Noel, born on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 3:30 pm weighing 9 lbs. and 4 oz. and measuring 21 1/4 inches long.
Mother and baby are doing great!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Inclement Weather Policy
In case of bad weather, Mom's Connection will follow the local school cancellation for Berkeley County School System. If school is canceled, then our meeting is canceled.
In case of one or two hour delays, the meeting will be cancelled.
Listen to local radio stations for school closings.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Upcoming Events
January 17 The Children's Closet Open House from 12-2 pm- A place to give and receive slightly used children's clothes, baby equipment, and maternity clothes located behind the Mace building of Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV. All are welcomed and everything is FREE.
January 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
February 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
February 17 Bowling Night Out for mom and their husband/boyfriend- Join us at Pikeside Bowling Alley in Martinsburg, WV at 7 pm. The cost per game is $4.50 and shoe rental $3.50.
February 28 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
**Our topic meetings are now located in the main building of Bethel Assembly of God in a new activities room.**
January 24 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
February 14 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
February 17 Bowling Night Out for mom and their husband/boyfriend- Join us at Pikeside Bowling Alley in Martinsburg, WV at 7 pm. The cost per game is $4.50 and shoe rental $3.50.
February 28 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV from 9:45- 11:45 am for a time of brunch, discussion, and fun! Childcare is provided.
**Our topic meetings are now located in the main building of Bethel Assembly of God in a new activities room.**
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Special Announcements
1. Spring Semester Schedule is available.
2. In order for moms to keep our helping in childcare limited, we need to recruit more childcare workers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in committing to either one or two meetings a month from 9:40-11:45 am, please see our new Childcare Director, Tina Allamong. We are looking for kind, caring individuals who enjoy babies/children. We give a $10 thank you gift card each time someone helps.
3. Money was collected for our friend who recently lost her son. Thank you to everyone who gave! A VISA gift card will be given to her this week.
4. Robin is having a baby girl and is due this month. We would like to put together a Consumable’s basket for her of diapers, wipes, lotion, desitan, etc. Please bring items with you at our next topic meeting to bless her!
5. Marci needs help on Wednesday evenings from 6-6:45 pm at the Children’s Closet. If you can help her, please let Marci Faro or Lisa Fraley know as soon as possible. We are asking for a once a month commitment.
If you have any questions on our events or meetings, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
2. In order for moms to keep our helping in childcare limited, we need to recruit more childcare workers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in committing to either one or two meetings a month from 9:40-11:45 am, please see our new Childcare Director, Tina Allamong. We are looking for kind, caring individuals who enjoy babies/children. We give a $10 thank you gift card each time someone helps.
3. Money was collected for our friend who recently lost her son. Thank you to everyone who gave! A VISA gift card will be given to her this week.
4. Robin is having a baby girl and is due this month. We would like to put together a Consumable’s basket for her of diapers, wipes, lotion, desitan, etc. Please bring items with you at our next topic meeting to bless her!
5. Marci needs help on Wednesday evenings from 6-6:45 pm at the Children’s Closet. If you can help her, please let Marci Faro or Lisa Fraley know as soon as possible. We are asking for a once a month commitment.
If you have any questions on our events or meetings, please contact Lisa Fraley at momsrgreat@comcast.net.
Becoming an old woman
When I look in the mirror I see every flaw on my face: the long wrinkle running vertical beside my mouth, my sagging brow over my right eye, the gray hairs appearing around my temples, and much more. Even though I don’t enjoy looking in the mirror as I once did, I still find myself thinking about the old woman I hope to become some day. I wonder what I will look like and what can I do now to be the woman I want to see in 30 years.
When I think about becoming an old woman, I’m not talking about how I want to look but instead what kind of person I will mature and grow into in my spirit. How I truly am in my spirit will determine the expression or demeanor I will have on my face.
So over the next few meetings, I’m going to discuss briefly what kind of old woman should we want to become. This might seem like a morbid thought but it’s really a celebration of life because we should desire and long to live so long as to become old women.
The Bible says in Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Think about how you want to look, what kind of expression do you want to carry on your face, and how do you want to make other’s feel in your life if your blessed to grow old.
Thank you,
Opening for today's topic meeting 1/10/2012
When I think about becoming an old woman, I’m not talking about how I want to look but instead what kind of person I will mature and grow into in my spirit. How I truly am in my spirit will determine the expression or demeanor I will have on my face.
So over the next few meetings, I’m going to discuss briefly what kind of old woman should we want to become. This might seem like a morbid thought but it’s really a celebration of life because we should desire and long to live so long as to become old women.
The Bible says in Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Think about how you want to look, what kind of expression do you want to carry on your face, and how do you want to make other’s feel in your life if your blessed to grow old.
Thank you,
Opening for today's topic meeting 1/10/2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Our first meeting in the new year...
Our first meeting for the new year is Tuesday, January 10 from 9:45-11:45 am. We will be meeting at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV in our new room in the main building. Our Welcome Center will be located in the main building to assist you in finding the location and helping you in any way. All childcare rooms will remain the same (Infants-toddlers in the main building; preschoolers-homeschoolers in the Mace building).
We will continue in our Care Circles discussing the book "He Loves Me" by Wayne Jacobsen.
As always, I look forward to seeing everyone! Let's look forward to the good things this new year will hold for each of us! The Apostle Paul says, "One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philip. 4:13-14
We will continue in our Care Circles discussing the book "He Loves Me" by Wayne Jacobsen.
As always, I look forward to seeing everyone! Let's look forward to the good things this new year will hold for each of us! The Apostle Paul says, "One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philip. 4:13-14
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year!
Prayer for the New Year 2012
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you for your covenant promise of protection. Right now, I call upon the covenant I have with you and plead the blood of Jesus over my husband, my children, and myself. Angels, I charge you to watch over my family to protect us, for we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Go before us, behind us, beside us, and all the way around us. Keep us from calamity, evil, and misfortune. (Name all your family members to the Lord.)
No evil will befall my family in the name of Jesus! No weapon formed against them will prosper, and every lying tongue that rises up against them I do condemn, for this is my heritage as a servant of the Lord.
I thank you, Father, that great is the peace of my children. Their righteousness is of you. They do not walk in their own righteousness, but in your righteousness by the blood of Jesus. I thank you for that, Lord. They will not get off track in life, none of their steps shall slide for you Holy Spirit will guide them every step of the way. Father, your Word says that we, Your sheep, know your voice. It ways you will show us things to come. It says the voice of the spirit will come to us and say, "This is the way, walk in it". I stand on these promises, Lord, and ask that you teach us to hear Your voice. Help us to recognize when you are speaking to us, and we will obey.
Now I stand in Your holy of holies and open my spirit to receive the wisdom you have afforded me. I put myself in a position to hear and receive instruction from You. I enter the secret place of the Most High by the blood of the Lamb, and I purpose to live my life in your presence.
I thank you that you are faithful to Your word. Father, I thank you that what you say is certain and sure. When you say You will deliver us, we can rely on that promise. So right now I receive your supernatural protection and deliverance for my family and me in Jesus' Name.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you for your covenant promise of protection. Right now, I call upon the covenant I have with you and plead the blood of Jesus over my husband, my children, and myself. Angels, I charge you to watch over my family to protect us, for we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Go before us, behind us, beside us, and all the way around us. Keep us from calamity, evil, and misfortune. (Name all your family members to the Lord.)
No evil will befall my family in the name of Jesus! No weapon formed against them will prosper, and every lying tongue that rises up against them I do condemn, for this is my heritage as a servant of the Lord.
I thank you, Father, that great is the peace of my children. Their righteousness is of you. They do not walk in their own righteousness, but in your righteousness by the blood of Jesus. I thank you for that, Lord. They will not get off track in life, none of their steps shall slide for you Holy Spirit will guide them every step of the way. Father, your Word says that we, Your sheep, know your voice. It ways you will show us things to come. It says the voice of the spirit will come to us and say, "This is the way, walk in it". I stand on these promises, Lord, and ask that you teach us to hear Your voice. Help us to recognize when you are speaking to us, and we will obey.
Now I stand in Your holy of holies and open my spirit to receive the wisdom you have afforded me. I put myself in a position to hear and receive instruction from You. I enter the secret place of the Most High by the blood of the Lamb, and I purpose to live my life in your presence.
I thank you that you are faithful to Your word. Father, I thank you that what you say is certain and sure. When you say You will deliver us, we can rely on that promise. So right now I receive your supernatural protection and deliverance for my family and me in Jesus' Name.
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