Our upcoming events for October:
Tuesday, October 13 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Friday, October 16 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.
Tuesday, October 20 Pumpkin Pizazz Party-Join us for pumpkin decorating at 10 am in the Mace building, rm 109. Bring pumpkin(s) for you and your child(ren). For decorating bring paints, ribbons, or any crafts to share with others. For munchies bring a fall snack to share!
Tuesday, October 27 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembley of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Crumbs from the Master's Table
Leaving that place , Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession". Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, " Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us". He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel". The woman came and knelt before him, "Lord help me!" she said. He replied, It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs". "Yes, Lord," She said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table". then Jesus answered, "woman you have great faith! Your request is granted". And her daughter was healed from that very hour. Matthew 15:21-28
I confess I never understood this portion of scripture. I wondered why Jesus would call this woman a dog. Didn't Jesus love everyone and want to help them? Yet it seems as if he is turning her away. Today however I received a new perspective on this scripture and the attitude with which we are to approach Jesus in prayer.
I believe that when we come to the Lord he is willing to grant whatever we ask when we have faith and believe we will receive it. What is often missing however is humility. This woman was a Canaanite, not a Jew. The Canaanites were enemies of Israel. The term dog was often used when referring to gentiles because it was believed that they were no more likely than dogs to receive God's blessing. Jesus knew their hypocrisy. When he uses the term dog it is to show the contrast between their attitude and his. The Lord is moved by a broken and contrite heart. This woman is not deterred. She falls on her knees before him. She says, that's okay I know who I am in comparison to who you are and I don't expect to receive the same as your chosen people. If you would just toss a crumb my way, I know that it will be enough. You see she got it. She knew that even crumbs from the Master's Table are far better than anything the world has to offer.
I am humbled and ashamed when I compare my attitude to hers. Often I don't know my place. I don't come to God with a true reverence for who he is in comparison with who I am. I am a gentile, not even one of God's chosen people, and yet he died for me. I expect that I should receive more than I deserve instead of realizing he doesn't have to give me anything. I am not thankful that even though I am a lowly sinner that he went to the cross and took my punishment so that instead of crumbs the door was open for me to enter the banquet hall and receive the fullness of God's blessings.
At our prayer gathering Sunday night it was made clear to us the attitude we are to have if we want to enter into the Presence of the Almighty God. That we are to know that we are nothing without him. The Canaanite woman just knew that she was desperate and that without Jesus there was no hope for her daughter. She knew her need and humbled herself before him. By contrast many of the Jews, God's chosen people would reject him because of their pride. A prideful heart cannot draw near to God. It cannot appreciate his majesty and glory or appreciate what God does. Let us look at this portion of scripture today with new eyes and just bask in the knowledge of who Jesus is and what he did for us. Let's give him the glory and honor he deserves and desire to draw close to him.
Kim Ratcliffe
I confess I never understood this portion of scripture. I wondered why Jesus would call this woman a dog. Didn't Jesus love everyone and want to help them? Yet it seems as if he is turning her away. Today however I received a new perspective on this scripture and the attitude with which we are to approach Jesus in prayer.
I believe that when we come to the Lord he is willing to grant whatever we ask when we have faith and believe we will receive it. What is often missing however is humility. This woman was a Canaanite, not a Jew. The Canaanites were enemies of Israel. The term dog was often used when referring to gentiles because it was believed that they were no more likely than dogs to receive God's blessing. Jesus knew their hypocrisy. When he uses the term dog it is to show the contrast between their attitude and his. The Lord is moved by a broken and contrite heart. This woman is not deterred. She falls on her knees before him. She says, that's okay I know who I am in comparison to who you are and I don't expect to receive the same as your chosen people. If you would just toss a crumb my way, I know that it will be enough. You see she got it. She knew that even crumbs from the Master's Table are far better than anything the world has to offer.
I am humbled and ashamed when I compare my attitude to hers. Often I don't know my place. I don't come to God with a true reverence for who he is in comparison with who I am. I am a gentile, not even one of God's chosen people, and yet he died for me. I expect that I should receive more than I deserve instead of realizing he doesn't have to give me anything. I am not thankful that even though I am a lowly sinner that he went to the cross and took my punishment so that instead of crumbs the door was open for me to enter the banquet hall and receive the fullness of God's blessings.
At our prayer gathering Sunday night it was made clear to us the attitude we are to have if we want to enter into the Presence of the Almighty God. That we are to know that we are nothing without him. The Canaanite woman just knew that she was desperate and that without Jesus there was no hope for her daughter. She knew her need and humbled herself before him. By contrast many of the Jews, God's chosen people would reject him because of their pride. A prideful heart cannot draw near to God. It cannot appreciate his majesty and glory or appreciate what God does. Let us look at this portion of scripture today with new eyes and just bask in the knowledge of who Jesus is and what he did for us. Let's give him the glory and honor he deserves and desire to draw close to him.
Kim Ratcliffe
Monday, September 28, 2009
Through Prayer
When I was a little girl, I remember taking everything to God in prayer. As I prayed and saw God answer, my faith multiplied. My mother said she wondered what would happen the day my prayers weren't answered. I clearly remember that day. I was in a hospital praying for my dad to live. I saw everyone else sitting around crying and I thought "God can change this". I began praying fervently but that didn't stop the doctor from telling us "he's gone".
For several years I struggled with prayer. I felt a yearning for God but kept myself withdrawn. I couldn't understand why God let my dad die. Then God called a woman to start a prayer group called God Catchers. After many invitations, I finally went to her house. It was there in this house of prayer that I found God again!
Because of my dad's death I was at a place of such need and humbleness that God was able to break through some barriers in my life that had limited me from being used for His Glory. Through prayer I began to become a new creation in Christ. It was my transformation.
We often talk about what we can see God accomplish through our prayers for others. But God does more for us by simply spending time with Him in prayer. We can touch Him. We feel His presence, forgiveness, power, and purpose. We are convicted, directed, and changed. Yes, God can change our circumstances! But first, He can change the way we look at our life, the choices we make, and how we relate to others. Through time in prayer he will place you in the center of HIS WILL. There is no better place to be!
For several years I struggled with prayer. I felt a yearning for God but kept myself withdrawn. I couldn't understand why God let my dad die. Then God called a woman to start a prayer group called God Catchers. After many invitations, I finally went to her house. It was there in this house of prayer that I found God again!
Because of my dad's death I was at a place of such need and humbleness that God was able to break through some barriers in my life that had limited me from being used for His Glory. Through prayer I began to become a new creation in Christ. It was my transformation.
We often talk about what we can see God accomplish through our prayers for others. But God does more for us by simply spending time with Him in prayer. We can touch Him. We feel His presence, forgiveness, power, and purpose. We are convicted, directed, and changed. Yes, God can change our circumstances! But first, He can change the way we look at our life, the choices we make, and how we relate to others. Through time in prayer he will place you in the center of HIS WILL. There is no better place to be!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Discovery Station
Last Friday we went to the Discovery Station located in Hagerstown, MD. They described it as a hands-on science, technology, history,events, exhibits, programs and much more....Ok but does it have anything to interest my 3 1/2 year old and 1 year old? The answer is yes.
We had an awesome time....we went with school age children, toddlers, and my one year old and there were things that intersted each child. There were hands on activities to stimulate your child's mind and imagination. Samuel was able to dig for fossils and vegetables, go grocery shopping, get in an airplane and a bank vault, and build a community just to name a few. We had a wonderul time and they didn't want to leave even though my parking meter was about to expire!
The cost was $7 for adults, $6 for children and kids under 3 were free. It was located at 101 W. Washington st. Hagerstown, MD 21740 and the phone as 301-790-0076.
Janine DiGiovanni
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Renewing of Your Mind
Never again confess "It's impossible!" because "What is impossible with men is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).
Let's confess God's Word in faith so we can stand our ground against the enemy and live victoriously in every area of our lives.
Let's confess God's Word in faith so we can stand our ground against the enemy and live victoriously in every area of our lives.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Upcoming Events
The events for the remainder of September:
Tuesday, September 29 Play date at War Memorial Park- Join us at 10:30 am with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch. Meet us at the section beside the stream.
Our upcoming events for October:
Tuesday, October 13 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Friday, October 16 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.
Tuesday, October 20 Pumpkin Pizazz Party-Join us for pumpkin decorating at 10 am in the Mace building, rm 109. Bring pumpkin(s) for you and your child(ren). For decorating bring paints, ribbons, or any crafts to share with others. For munchies bring a fall snack to share!
Tuesday, October 27 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembley of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Tuesday, September 29 Play date at War Memorial Park- Join us at 10:30 am with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch. Meet us at the section beside the stream.
Our upcoming events for October:
Tuesday, October 13 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Friday, October 16 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.
Tuesday, October 20 Pumpkin Pizazz Party-Join us for pumpkin decorating at 10 am in the Mace building, rm 109. Bring pumpkin(s) for you and your child(ren). For decorating bring paints, ribbons, or any crafts to share with others. For munchies bring a fall snack to share!
Tuesday, October 27 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembley of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Meet....Julia Bivens

Every month I choose one of the members of Mom's Connection to feature in our meet a new mom segment. This month I have chosen a very dynamic woman in Julia Bivens.
Words I would use to describe her include passionate and devoted. She is passionate in her walk with the Lord. I asked her what a relationship with her Creator means to her. She told me that He gives her a reason to be here, hope for the future, and peace for every moment. She doesn't have to rely on her own strength or have all of the answers because the Lord is her strength and holds all of the answers to every question she could possibly ask.
She is devoted to her husband and children completely. She has been married for eleven years and has four delightful little girls (pictured above). Her girls are well-behaved and very intelligent. Julia home schools the 3 older children and it really shows that she is doing a fabulous job. I asked her what is the most rewarding part of homeschooling and she said it's when something particularly difficult finally "clicks" and they understand. She loves when they learn new things. Of course, homeschooling can be difficult at times. I asked her about the most challenging part and she said that would be having the energy to do everything such as cook, clean, teach...etc. I really admire her in her devotion to giving her children the best education she can give them. I've often heard it said that we are our children's first best teacher and I would have to agree.
Julia is also one of our Care Circle leaders. I asked her to tell me a little about her group. The topic is marriage, how to pray for our marriages, ourselves and our husbands, responding to each other in an appropriate way and respecting our differences. Her favorite thing about Mom's Connection is getting to know and interact with other moms.
I wanted to know more about this fascinating woman so I asked her about some of her favorite things and here is how she responded. She likes a lot of different musical genres. Her favorites include Christian contemporary, classical and jazz. She really likes music from the 1930's and 1940's to include swing and dance bands from that period. Her favorite movies also stem from that time period. She really loves old musicals because they hold a certain magic that is hard to find now. Who can describe the feeling you first got while watching something so marvelous as Fred Astaire dancing? Pure magic! She really has a passion for reading as well. She enjoys reading anything by Jane Austin. She also likes Grace Livingston-Hill and Max Lucada, Christian romances of the 1930's and 1940's, and Anne of Green Gables.
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know Julia as much as I have. I really appreciate her friendship and I look forward to building on that friendship in years to come.
Tina Burton
Monday, September 21, 2009
Bearing Burdens
"Mmmm! Mmmm!" That's the noise I make when I'm eating something delicious. I love food! I don't like to waste my time eating something I don't love to eat. I'm motivated by food. Now you know why we have brunch at every topic meeting. It's a must for me! Some of my favorite foods are my mother's lasagna, my chicken pot pie, my sister-in-law's potato salad, Chick-fil-A's chicken sandwich with their special sauce, and much more!
Loving food so much is probably why I enjoy making meals for others. I carefully plan the menu which normally is anywhere from three to five courses. I make sure I include something from all the food groups. While preparing it, I pray the family enjoys it and it blesses them. Maybe it's for a family who has had a baby, surgery, or death of a loved one. Whatever the reason, they need it. I always make sure my children come with me to deliver the food. They help me carry all the food into the house.
There is something special in taking a meal to a family. It's more than supplying a basic need, it's love in action. Buying the ingredients, preparing the meal, and delivering it is a labor of love. Sometimes we want to do something to help someone. We want to show them we care about them and what they are going through. For me- food delivery- comes naturally. It might not for you. Maybe you don't like to cook. Take out, a phone call, a card dropped in the mail, or cleaning their house would do just fine.
Showing love through action is what makes the difference. It takes a little more time. It's stepping out of your comfort into their pain. It's one of the ways we can bear a burden. It's not really about what you do. Just being there is what matters.
"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2
Loving food so much is probably why I enjoy making meals for others. I carefully plan the menu which normally is anywhere from three to five courses. I make sure I include something from all the food groups. While preparing it, I pray the family enjoys it and it blesses them. Maybe it's for a family who has had a baby, surgery, or death of a loved one. Whatever the reason, they need it. I always make sure my children come with me to deliver the food. They help me carry all the food into the house.
There is something special in taking a meal to a family. It's more than supplying a basic need, it's love in action. Buying the ingredients, preparing the meal, and delivering it is a labor of love. Sometimes we want to do something to help someone. We want to show them we care about them and what they are going through. For me- food delivery- comes naturally. It might not for you. Maybe you don't like to cook. Take out, a phone call, a card dropped in the mail, or cleaning their house would do just fine.
Showing love through action is what makes the difference. It takes a little more time. It's stepping out of your comfort into their pain. It's one of the ways we can bear a burden. It's not really about what you do. Just being there is what matters.
"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2
Friday, September 18, 2009
Books for You and Your Child
During our opening at our next topic meeting, we will be giving you an opportunity to view and order books about reproduction, sex, and the changes in our bodies for our children. The books available to be viewed are: Why Boys and Girls are Different, Where Do Babies Come From?, and The Wonderful Ways Babies are Made.
The books Why Boys and Girls are Different and Where Do Babies Come From are part of a series called Learning about sex for the christian family. The series has books for ages Pre-K through High School. There will be a brief description of each series if you would like a book for an older child.
They are all good quality, hard-covered books. The books are appropriate for boys and girls. The series books are $10 each and The Wonderful Ways Babies are Made is $13. We will have a request form if you would like to purchase any of these books. Payment will be expected the following topic meeting in October.
There is great importance for the christian family to discuss the issues of sexuality with your children. In order for your values to be foremost in your child's mind, you must talk to them before their peers. You must be open and honest with your child and let them know you are a safe place for them to find truthful answers about sex. You must teach your children how God feels about sex, why He made it, and for whom He made it for. I want to encourage you to take a serious look at these books to make it easy for you to have this much needed conversation with your children now or in the future. This is an inevitable conversation that should not be treated as "one big talk" but lots of small talks as they grow into adulthood!
Lisa Fraley
The books Why Boys and Girls are Different and Where Do Babies Come From are part of a series called Learning about sex for the christian family. The series has books for ages Pre-K through High School. There will be a brief description of each series if you would like a book for an older child.
They are all good quality, hard-covered books. The books are appropriate for boys and girls. The series books are $10 each and The Wonderful Ways Babies are Made is $13. We will have a request form if you would like to purchase any of these books. Payment will be expected the following topic meeting in October.
There is great importance for the christian family to discuss the issues of sexuality with your children. In order for your values to be foremost in your child's mind, you must talk to them before their peers. You must be open and honest with your child and let them know you are a safe place for them to find truthful answers about sex. You must teach your children how God feels about sex, why He made it, and for whom He made it for. I want to encourage you to take a serious look at these books to make it easy for you to have this much needed conversation with your children now or in the future. This is an inevitable conversation that should not be treated as "one big talk" but lots of small talks as they grow into adulthood!
Lisa Fraley
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Upcoming Events for September
Our first topic meeting for the new season of Mom's Connection was a great success! We had five new moms join us! We strive to make this group a place where you can be yourself, make real friends, and grow in your relationship with God.
Here are the remainder of events for September:
Friday, September 18 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. We are called "to share one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galations 6:2). Join us as we do that together. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.
Tuesday, September 22 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Tuesday, September 29 Playdate at War Memorial Park- Join us at 10:30 am with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch. Meet us at the section beside the stream.
Here are the remainder of events for September:
Friday, September 18 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. We are called "to share one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galations 6:2). Join us as we do that together. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.
Tuesday, September 22 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.
Tuesday, September 29 Playdate at War Memorial Park- Join us at 10:30 am with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch. Meet us at the section beside the stream.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Blessed Again!
Last Saturday I attended the Sweet Life Cafe Women's Retreat. It was such a blessing. I did not think I would be able to attend because I didn't have child care. I have only been to one other women's retreat and child care was a big problem. Thankfully God provided. Still when it came time to sign up for Sweet Life Cafe I only remembered the difficulty I had last time instead of how God had blessed me.
When I went to sign up for our directory pictures Heidi spoke to me and asked about the retreat. I said I don't have child care. She said she wanted to give everyone a chance to sign up and recommended some people for me to call about child care. But I still had to be intentional in calling. So I prayed that God would work it out if He wanted me to go. The person I called agreed to watch my kids and so I paid my money and signed up for the retreat. A few days later I found out that my child care had fallen through but that this person had been intentional to inquire about other child care for me. Once again when I stepped forward to ask it was all worked out.
I learned that not everything is going to come easy, that sometimes I will have to step out in faith and be intentional. It doesn't mean that just because everything didn't work out picture perfect that God didn't want me to go. In fact it was quite the contrary. Joyce Myer said the things that move God are faith and obedience. When I got to the retreat I felt myself immediately relax. One of the first activities was to write down anything that was on our minds that might hinder us from enjoying the retreat and focusing on God. Once we did that everything just melted away. I was able to just spend the rest of the time focusing on God and enjoying the fellowship. Heidi and her team thought of everything. I felt pampered and blessed. I hope we do it again and this time I will sign up right away and trust God to work out the details.
Kim Ratcliffe
When I went to sign up for our directory pictures Heidi spoke to me and asked about the retreat. I said I don't have child care. She said she wanted to give everyone a chance to sign up and recommended some people for me to call about child care. But I still had to be intentional in calling. So I prayed that God would work it out if He wanted me to go. The person I called agreed to watch my kids and so I paid my money and signed up for the retreat. A few days later I found out that my child care had fallen through but that this person had been intentional to inquire about other child care for me. Once again when I stepped forward to ask it was all worked out.
I learned that not everything is going to come easy, that sometimes I will have to step out in faith and be intentional. It doesn't mean that just because everything didn't work out picture perfect that God didn't want me to go. In fact it was quite the contrary. Joyce Myer said the things that move God are faith and obedience. When I got to the retreat I felt myself immediately relax. One of the first activities was to write down anything that was on our minds that might hinder us from enjoying the retreat and focusing on God. Once we did that everything just melted away. I was able to just spend the rest of the time focusing on God and enjoying the fellowship. Heidi and her team thought of everything. I felt pampered and blessed. I hope we do it again and this time I will sign up right away and trust God to work out the details.
Kim Ratcliffe
Monday, September 14, 2009
Blessings from God
On Saturday I had the privilege of spending the day at the Sweet Life Cafe Retreat at Bethel Assembly of God. I had a wonderful time with the fellowship of other christian women, enjoying delicious food, and time to draw closer to my Lord.
After having such an enjoyable day, I feel ashamed to tell you I originally didn't want to go. There were so many reasons I had why the day just wouldn't work. First, I was coming back from vacation that week. Everyone knows the laundry, cleaning, and putting away things that would await me. My kids were missing a week of school and would have lots of makeup work to do over the weekend. When the registration fee was due, I was leaving for a trip to Myrtle beach and didn't have any spare cash. I would have to find someone to watch my children. Finally I would have to get my husband's happy consent. Phew! The list was long!
As the time approached for me to make a decision, I felt God wanted me to go. Even when I told Him ALL the reasons I had for not going, God didn't let me off the hook. In fact He put other people in my life to confirm it. What else was there for me to do? And that is reason I am writing this because God made it happen for me!
When I came back from Myrtle beach, I had exactly $40 in my wallet. So I paid the registration fee in faith. I still had two more big hurtles to go. But they were a breeze too! My friend committed to watching my children and my husband was getting them when he got off work. Both told me, "no problem"! That doesn't always happen! Now, I still had vacation clean up and makeup school work but everything got done.
Most importantly God knew what I didn't know over a month ago that I needed to go. I needed time to laugh. I needed time alone with God. I needed to let go of somethings in my life. The Bible says, "that times of refreshing may come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19). God wanted to bless me when I didn't even know it!
After having such an enjoyable day, I feel ashamed to tell you I originally didn't want to go. There were so many reasons I had why the day just wouldn't work. First, I was coming back from vacation that week. Everyone knows the laundry, cleaning, and putting away things that would await me. My kids were missing a week of school and would have lots of makeup work to do over the weekend. When the registration fee was due, I was leaving for a trip to Myrtle beach and didn't have any spare cash. I would have to find someone to watch my children. Finally I would have to get my husband's happy consent. Phew! The list was long!
As the time approached for me to make a decision, I felt God wanted me to go. Even when I told Him ALL the reasons I had for not going, God didn't let me off the hook. In fact He put other people in my life to confirm it. What else was there for me to do? And that is reason I am writing this because God made it happen for me!
When I came back from Myrtle beach, I had exactly $40 in my wallet. So I paid the registration fee in faith. I still had two more big hurtles to go. But they were a breeze too! My friend committed to watching my children and my husband was getting them when he got off work. Both told me, "no problem"! That doesn't always happen! Now, I still had vacation clean up and makeup school work but everything got done.
Most importantly God knew what I didn't know over a month ago that I needed to go. I needed time to laugh. I needed time alone with God. I needed to let go of somethings in my life. The Bible says, "that times of refreshing may come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19). God wanted to bless me when I didn't even know it!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Family Fest 2009
You are invited to join us for the Annual Family Festival at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV this Sunday, September 6 beginning at 5:30 PM.
Just for fun join us and our children at the inflatables, kid's games, face painting, ponies and petting zoo. Food will be served in the gymnasium at 6pm. There will be popcorn and cotton candy available. Live music will be playing the whole evening! Get involved in a beach volleyball game or in the horse shoe tournament. Don't leave too early! Stay for the fireworks show at 9:15 pm. Everything the entire evening is 100% free!! Don't forget your lawn chairs or blanket to set out to view the fireworks.
There will be an information table set up from 6-9pm if you have any questions or concerns. If you want information about our church, please be sure to stop by to see us or check out Bethel's website at http://www.seebethel.com/.
Just for fun join us and our children at the inflatables, kid's games, face painting, ponies and petting zoo. Food will be served in the gymnasium at 6pm. There will be popcorn and cotton candy available. Live music will be playing the whole evening! Get involved in a beach volleyball game or in the horse shoe tournament. Don't leave too early! Stay for the fireworks show at 9:15 pm. Everything the entire evening is 100% free!! Don't forget your lawn chairs or blanket to set out to view the fireworks.
There will be an information table set up from 6-9pm if you have any questions or concerns. If you want information about our church, please be sure to stop by to see us or check out Bethel's website at http://www.seebethel.com/.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Friend by Tina Burton
"Acquaintance! Acquaintance! I can't believe he called me an Acquaintance!" This was the thought that entered my head as I walked home alone after stomping away from someone I thought was a friend. He had introduced me to one of his "friends" But I was introduced as his "acquaintance, Tina". I just kept thinking that it was unfair. We rode to school together in his mom's van and my mom would usually pick us up from school if she wasn't working. Sometimes, we would hang-out at my friend Joe's house. I thought surely all of that interaction would qualify me as a friend.
Of course, much later I would realize that "friend" is a loosely-based term in our society. At my mom's house a few weeks ago I logged onto one of those social-networking sites, that have become extremely popular, only to find friend requests from some people that I have never met. I remember thinking, "I've never met you and I'm sure you've never met me....why would you want to friend-me?"
So, I began asking myself, "What is a friend and how can I become one?" The bible says in Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times..." In Exodus 33:11 it says that the Lord would speak to Moses as he would to a friend, "face to face". Proverbs 27:6 says, "Wounds from a friend can be trusted..." In verse 10 of the same chapter it says ," Do not forsake your friend and the friend of your father..." After reading these few verses, I realized maybe I was just his "acquaintance" and I wasn't much of a friend to my "friends" either.
One of the greatest and most rewarding challenges we can face is being a good friend. We should encourage each other, lifting each other up in prayer, triumphing in our friend's joys and drying their tears when they are in the depths of despair. Sometimes, you might be the only person who can pick someone up from the mire and muck, dust them off and put them back on the road to happiness and all through your friendship.
In conclusion, I leave you with a question to meditate on this week. What kind of friend are you and what kind of friend do you desire to become?
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A chord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
Of course, much later I would realize that "friend" is a loosely-based term in our society. At my mom's house a few weeks ago I logged onto one of those social-networking sites, that have become extremely popular, only to find friend requests from some people that I have never met. I remember thinking, "I've never met you and I'm sure you've never met me....why would you want to friend-me?"
So, I began asking myself, "What is a friend and how can I become one?" The bible says in Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times..." In Exodus 33:11 it says that the Lord would speak to Moses as he would to a friend, "face to face". Proverbs 27:6 says, "Wounds from a friend can be trusted..." In verse 10 of the same chapter it says ," Do not forsake your friend and the friend of your father..." After reading these few verses, I realized maybe I was just his "acquaintance" and I wasn't much of a friend to my "friends" either.
One of the greatest and most rewarding challenges we can face is being a good friend. We should encourage each other, lifting each other up in prayer, triumphing in our friend's joys and drying their tears when they are in the depths of despair. Sometimes, you might be the only person who can pick someone up from the mire and muck, dust them off and put them back on the road to happiness and all through your friendship.
In conclusion, I leave you with a question to meditate on this week. What kind of friend are you and what kind of friend do you desire to become?
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A chord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Finally September!
I hope you had a wonderful summer spending time by the pool, going to the park, or joining us on our many fun outings! I had a great time as well. One of my favorites was going to the South Mountain Creamery. My daughter loved petting the calves and holding the baby chicks. Of course I loved the homemade ice cream cone!!
Even though I was sad when my children headed off to school, I was already looking forward to this semester. I have missed everyone of you! It's nice to get together during the summer but our bi-weekly meetings are special. It's where we can connect, share, and grow as women, moms, and children of God.
I hope all of you have received my welcome letter to our first meeting on Tuesday, September 8. For those who are still deciding whether to join us, we meet at 10 am at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV (beside the City Hospital) in the Mace building (behind the main building), rm 109 (the large center room on the first floor). I hope this helps you find us. Childcare is provided during our topic meetings!
Here is a look of what is coming up this month:
Tuesday, September 8 Topic Meeting- Our meetings are held between 10-11:45 am.
Friday, September 18 Times of Refreshing Prayer at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm.
Tuesday, September 22 Topic Meeting
Tuesday, September 29 Play date at War Memorial Park at 10:30am. Join us with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch.
We have many more fun things coming up this semester. We will be helping Younglives Ministry, decorating pumpkins, and shopping!! However the most important will be how we grow in friendship, encourage others, and learn new things about our marriages or our thought life. Let's be open to where God wants to take us in this great adventure of life and serving Him!
Even though I was sad when my children headed off to school, I was already looking forward to this semester. I have missed everyone of you! It's nice to get together during the summer but our bi-weekly meetings are special. It's where we can connect, share, and grow as women, moms, and children of God.
I hope all of you have received my welcome letter to our first meeting on Tuesday, September 8. For those who are still deciding whether to join us, we meet at 10 am at Bethel Assembly of God, Martinsburg, WV (beside the City Hospital) in the Mace building (behind the main building), rm 109 (the large center room on the first floor). I hope this helps you find us. Childcare is provided during our topic meetings!
Here is a look of what is coming up this month:
Tuesday, September 8 Topic Meeting- Our meetings are held between 10-11:45 am.
Friday, September 18 Times of Refreshing Prayer at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm.
Tuesday, September 22 Topic Meeting
Tuesday, September 29 Play date at War Memorial Park at 10:30am. Join us with your little ones or just yourself to get together, pack a lunch.
We have many more fun things coming up this semester. We will be helping Younglives Ministry, decorating pumpkins, and shopping!! However the most important will be how we grow in friendship, encourage others, and learn new things about our marriages or our thought life. Let's be open to where God wants to take us in this great adventure of life and serving Him!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Your Toddler
Don't cave in to emotional outbursts that are clearly designed to manupulate you or change a decision you've made.
Many young parents have been held hostage by a two-year-old who throws a tantrum in the grocery store when he can't have a cookie or who whines long enough to wear down their resistance. Once you've drawn your line, don't budge, and don't allow requests, begging, or demands to continue. In a firm, calm voice, eyeball-to-eyeball, take your stand: "I've said no and I mean it-don't say anything more about it."
However, as he progresses toward his third birthday, it will give your toddler great satisfaction if you allow him to make some simple decisions. "Do you want the red or the blue shoes today?" "Would you like to visit the park or the pet shop?" Remember that you will be gradually releasing control over to him during the next several years and that giving him appropriate (and not terribly taxing) choices will serve to remind both of you of this reality.
An excerpt from Focus on the Family's Complete Book of Baby & Child Care, From pre-birth through the teen years Foreword by Dr. James Dobson
Because Mom's Connecton and this blog is specially for moms, I thought it would be helpful to include on it parenting tips and other important matters of raising children. Most information will be based on excerpts from books not on personal opinions or feelings.
Lisa Fraley
Many young parents have been held hostage by a two-year-old who throws a tantrum in the grocery store when he can't have a cookie or who whines long enough to wear down their resistance. Once you've drawn your line, don't budge, and don't allow requests, begging, or demands to continue. In a firm, calm voice, eyeball-to-eyeball, take your stand: "I've said no and I mean it-don't say anything more about it."
However, as he progresses toward his third birthday, it will give your toddler great satisfaction if you allow him to make some simple decisions. "Do you want the red or the blue shoes today?" "Would you like to visit the park or the pet shop?" Remember that you will be gradually releasing control over to him during the next several years and that giving him appropriate (and not terribly taxing) choices will serve to remind both of you of this reality.
An excerpt from Focus on the Family's Complete Book of Baby & Child Care, From pre-birth through the teen years Foreword by Dr. James Dobson
Because Mom's Connecton and this blog is specially for moms, I thought it would be helpful to include on it parenting tips and other important matters of raising children. Most information will be based on excerpts from books not on personal opinions or feelings.
Lisa Fraley
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