Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's Up In October

Our upcoming events for October:

Tuesday, October 13 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.

Friday, October 16 Times of Refreshing Prayer- Meet at Kim Ratcliffe's house anytime between 10am-2pm for a time of prayer. Come, share, and have your needs lifted up to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who sits on the right hand of God to make intercession for you. If you need directions, contact Kim at 304-229-6776.

Tuesday, October 20 Pumpkin Pizazz Party-Join us for pumpkin decorating at 10 am in the Mace building, rm 109. Bring pumpkin(s) for you and your child(ren). For decorating bring paints, ribbons, or any crafts to share with others. For munchies bring a fall snack to share!

Tuesday, October 27 Topic Meeting- Meet at Bethel Assembley of God in the Mace building, rm 109 at 10 am for a time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion! Childcare is provided.

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