Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Fall!

Monday, October 25 Mom's Night Out- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, room 109 at 6:30 PM for games, food, and fun! Bring an appetizer to share and a friend!

Tuesday, October 26 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the Mace building, room 109 from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion, and prayer. Childcare is provided!

Care Circles are discussing the book, The Worn Out Woman, When Your Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty by Dr. Steve Stephens and Alice Gray.

Saturday, October 30 Trunk or Treat- You are invited to join us at Bethel Assembly of God for trunk or treat from 6-8 PM. Participants will park their cars in the parking lot, open up their trunk or the back of their vehicle, decorate them in a theme (no scary!), and pass out candy or other goodies (provided by the participants). Also during this time, in the gym, there will be some carnival games, a moon bounce, and the "Velcro" wall. There will be a hayride, so don't forget to save time for that!

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