Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Events for October~ Check it Out...

"There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. " Albert Einstein

Monday, October 4 Baby Shower for Amanda Dagostino- Join us for food, games, and fun at 6:30 PM at Bethel Assembly of God in the Mace building, room 109. Amanda is registered at Target, JC Penney's, and Babies R Us! Amanda is expecting a GIRL! Come and show your love!

Friday, October 8 Coffee Break for Just Moms- For those moms who need a break or want to connect, join us at Tropical Smoothie Cafe in Martinsburg, WV at 9:30 AM. This is primarily for those moms who children are in school however it's open to anyone. Please no children.

Monday, October 11 Monkey Joe's in Hagerstown, MD- Join us for a great time with your children on giant inflatables, slides, and games at 10 AM. The cost per child is $6.59 includes pizza and drink. Adult admission is free, lunch is separate. To attend you must sign up and pay before the event. Please contact Amanda at

Tuesday, October 12 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the Mace building, room 109 from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion, and prayer. Childcare is provided!

Care Circles will begin discussing the book, The Worn Out Woman, When Your Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty by Dr. Steve Stephens and Alice Gray.

Tuesday, October 26 Topic Meeting- Join us at Bethel Assembly of God in Martinsburg, WV in the Mace building, room 109 from 9:45-11:45 AM for a time of brunch, discussion, and prayer. Childcare is provided!

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