On Tuesday, May 26 Rochelle Lushbaugh from YoungLives Ministry spoke to Mom's Connection. YoungLives is a Young Life Ministry to teen moms. It's about loving teen moms in the midst of the circumstances they're in- no matter what they are. They help teen moms find hope through mentors in this ministry.
Rochelle shared with us the great need for teen moms to be accepted, supported, and to still be a teen. We heard a teen moms testimony of how YoungLives helped her as a mom and find a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is a new ministry forming in Berkeley County. They are in need of support through many different ways. Some ways to get involved are the following:
-Mentors who would love a teen mom right where they are in their life. To become a trusted friend who models Christ's unconditional love and shows her what life is like when you are walking with Christ.
-Committee members to support the ministry in many different ways from raising financial support, to collect diapers, and support staff and mentors.
-Donors who provide for the needs of teen moms.
-Childcare is needed for club events so that teen moms are able to develop relationships and have some time away.
-Special projects where you can use your gifts by providing food, crafts, leading meetngs, providing transportation, teaching childbirth, or parenting classes.
If you are interested in getting involved in YoungLives, please contact Rochelle Lushbaugh at rolush2002@yahoo.com or call 304-274-1065
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