Well ladies, my thought for Thursday came on Monday. My fluffy white cat, Angel, ran up a tree Monday evening after she was being chased by a dog. I mean she ran way, way, way up the tree. After we realized she would need help getting down, my husband propped a 17 foot ladder against the tree, and climbed up while I "held" it steady. (I really have no way of holding a ladder steady with a 160 pound man on it, but he thinks I do, so I look like I’m contributing anyway). Shawn was finally able to get his hands around the cat and gently try to pull her down. However, the cat DID NOT LET GO of the tree. Her claws were gripped around that tree and holding on for dear life. It didn’t matter how much Shawn tugged, pulled and compelled her to let go —she was gripped. She even made it more challenging when she became more fearful and climbed farther up the tree. Shawn was already standing on his tiptoes and couldn’t reach any further to her new place of "refuge." We finally had to walk away for a while and try to think of plan B. I told my daughter we had to pray that God would help our cat out of her "predicament."
I’m actually not turning this into a story about the power of prayer. Instead, I would like to invoke the thought that we are much like my cat with our claws imbedded in our own self will. In difficult circumstances or unclear situations, we try in our own might to save ourselves. All the while, God is trying to coax us away from our misery, with His hands outstretched, ready to carry us to comfort. But many of us cling on for dear life—to our own life—instead of letting go and trusting the guidance of our Father’s hand. In this particular season of my life, I’m reminded of the scripture daily in Mark 8:35: "for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it."
Being the controlling natured person that I am, I’m learning to let go of my own disappointments and plans of how I think things should work out. I’m also learning, that when God eventually brings to light His plan or purpose to my situation, I’m left saying, "God you are so much smarter than I am." There are still instances though where I’m waiting for understanding. However, I’d much rather wait in the presence of God than alone isolated gripping to fear and doubt. If my cat wouldn’t have finally let go and come down that tree, she could have possibly weakened and fallen out. It would have been dark, cold and she could have been severely injured. If we live this life clutching on to our own feelings and worries during difficult times, we will be away from God, in the dark, and weak from the exhaustion of trying to do it all by ourselves. He has better plans for us than to be "stuck" in a season of doubt and disappointment. It just takes us to "let go" and put our trust in God.
Without hesitation in saying it, I believe His plan is much better. So, on this Thursday, think about your own desires, goals and state of mind. Are you the cat whose claws are embedded in the tree, as well as climbing farther away from God? Or are you the cat who’s resting safely in his Father’s arms, willing to accept His grace and will for your life?
Deneil Busey
Thank you Deneil for sharing your thoughts with us. I look forward to more in the future!
ReplyDeleteDeneil, this is so beautiful and so right on! I see my husband as the cat not willing to let go, I am always telling him God will provide, he will take care of us. Hope to see you on Tuesday! Jule Burton